
Enhancements to Sublime Text sidebar. Files and folders.

Primary LanguagePython

Sidebar Enhancements

In other languages

Japanese - http://taamemo.blogspot.jp/2012/10/sublime-text-2-sidebarenhancements.html?m=1 Russian - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I0dJTd58kI&feature=youtu.be&a


Sublime Text 3+ Package, It does NOT WORK with ST2, DOES NOT; Use Sublime Text 3 Please.

Provides enhancements to the operations on Sidebar of Files and Folders for Sublime Text. http://www.sublimetext.com/

Notably provides delete as "move to trash", open with.. and a clipboard.

Close, move, open and restore buffers affected by a rename/move command. (even on folders)

Provides the basics: new file/folder, edit, open/run, reveal, find in selected/parent/project, cut, copy, paste, paste in parent, rename, move, delete, refresh....

The not so basic: copy paths as URIs, URLs, content as UTF8, content as data:uri base64 ( nice for embedding into CSS! ), copy as tags img/a/script/style, duplicate

Preference to control if a buffer should be closed when affected by a deletion operation.

Allows to display "file modified date" and "file size" on statusbar.



Download or clone the contents of this repository to a folder named exactly as the package name into the Packages/ folder of ST.

Troubleshooting Installation:

If you have problems with the installation, do this:

  • First please note this package only adds a context menu to the "Folders" section and not to the "Open Files" section.
  • Open the package folder. Main menu -> Preferences -> Browse Packages.
  • Close Sublime Text.
  • Remove the folder "Packages/SideBarEnhancements"
  • Remove the folder "User/SideBarEnhancements"
  • Navigate one folder up, to "Installed Packages/", check for any instance of SideBarEnhancements and remove it.
  • Open ST, with Package Control go to : Remove Package, check for any instance of SideBarEnhancements and remove it.
  • Restart ST
  • Open ST, check if there is any entry about SideBarEnhancements in Package Control(in sections: "Remove Package" and just in case in "Enable Package")
  • Repeat until you find there no entry about SideBarEnhancements
  • Restart ST
  • Install it.
  • It works

F12 key

(Please note that from version 2.122104 this package no longer provides the key, you need to manually add it to your sublime-keymap file (see next section))

F12 key allows you to open the current file in browser.

url_testing allows you to set the url of your local server, opened via F12

url_production allows you to set the url of your production server, opened via ALT+F12

With absolute paths

  • Right click any file on sidebar and select: "Project -> Edit Projects Preview URLs"
  • Edit this file, and add your paths and URLs with the following structure:

With relative paths

Imagine we have a project with the following structure

Project/ < - root project folder
Project/public/ < - the folder we want to load as "http://localhost/"
Project/experimental/ < - other folder we may run as experimental/test in another url "http://experimental/"

Then we create configuration file:


with content:



You can create config files some/folder/.sublime/SideBarEnhancements.json anywhere.

F12 key conflict

On Sublime Text 3 F12 key is bound to "goto_definition" command by default. This package was conflicting with that key, this no longers happens. You need to manually add the keys now: Go to Preferences -> Package Settings -> Side Bar -> Key Bindings - User and add any of the following:

        { "keys": ["f12"],
            "command": "side_bar_open_in_browser" ,
            "args":{"paths":[], "type":"testing", "browser":""}
        { "keys": ["alt+f12"],
            "command": "side_bar_open_in_browser",
            "args":{"paths":[], "type":"production", "browser":""}
            "keys": ["ctrl+t"],
            "command": "side_bar_new_file2"
            "keys": ["f2"],
            "command": "side_bar_rename"

Notes on configuring the Open With menu:

Definitions file: User/SideBarEnhancements/Open With/Side Bar.sublime-menu (note the extra subfolder levels). To open it, right-click on any file in an open project and select Open With > Edit Applications...

  • On OSX, the 'application' property simply takes the name of an application, to which the file at hand's full path will be passed as if with open ..., e.g.: "application": "Google Chrome"
  • On OSX, invoking shell commands is NOT supported.
//application 1
    "caption": "Photoshop",
    "id": "side-bar-files-open-with-photoshop",
    "command": "side_bar_files_open_with",
    "args": {
        "paths": [],
        "application": "Adobe Photoshop CS5.app", // OSX
        "extensions":"psd|png|jpg|jpeg",  //any file with these extensions
    "open_automatically" : true // will close the view/tab and launch the application


Q: Why the menu is not shown on Open Files?

  • It should be mentioned that the package's context menu is only available for files and folders in a project (section Folders in the side bar), and not on the open files listed at the top of the side bar, due to a limitation of ST.

Q: Can the package stop "show preview in a right click to a file".

  • No, ​I'm sorry, can't figure out how to prevent it.

Using the External Libraries

(check each license in project pages)



Forum Thread



(Thank you so much!)

  • bofm
  • Dalibor Simacek
  • Devin Rhode
  • Eric Eldredge
  • Hewei Liu
  • Jeremy Gailor
  • Joao Antunes
  • Leif Ringstad
  • Nick Zaccardi
  • Patrik Göthe
  • Randy Lai
  • Raphael DDL Oliveira
  • robwala
  • Stephen Horne
  • Sven Axelsson
  • Till Theis
  • Todd Wolfson
  • Tyler Thrailkill
  • Yaroslav Admin
  • Aleksandar Urosevic
  • MauriceZ



Change Log

Update 2.151010

  • add option "statusbar_modified_time_locale" to avoid broken locales on Windows

Update 2.010905

  • "Open in browser", "mass rename" and "empty" runs now in own thread
  • Always initialize to default settings (in case users hack the package and remove some preference)

Update 2.010405

  • rename and move runs now threaded
  • "progress indicators" or "doing something" for deleting, duplicate, pasting, moving, renaming
  • do not "edit" open in a ST view/tab binary files (example when duplicating, etc)
  • "Find File Named" fix for OSX
  • Rename-/Move-dialog initial selection does not includes part of file-extension for files with multiple extensions
  • Fix bug with "open with applications" method signature changed

Update 2.122104

  • Somewhat refactor to file "SideBarAPI.py" with the classes SideBarItem, SideBarSelection, SideBarProject
  • moved statusbar functionality to main py file
  • remove "changelog" file, in favor of this readme
  • remove "license" file, in favor of this readme
  • removed conflicting keys!

Update 2.0.4

  • paste now runs threaded.
  • on windows delete files with big file names.

Update 2.0.3

Update 2.0.2

  • fix instant search (begin edit, end edit mess)..
  • rename of "dirty" view, does not carry changes.
  • rename of view, does not carry undo/redo history.
  • reveal on windows on a folder, will open the folder, not reveal the folder.
  • fix.. reveal does not work with "," in path names
  • fix.. a project folder can't be removed via context menu if the project was not saved.
  • browser preview supports relative urls, and multiple configuration files a la ".htaccess"

Update 2.0.1

  • remove some obsolete code
  • refactor some functions
  • solve encoding mess
  • Fix for when packages_path is a link
  • fix open with..
  • copy url command
  • exclude from project
  • promote as project folder
  • no value on browser will use default browser
  • statusbar functions fixes
  • fix open/run command windows
  • hide default menus
  • for each window, locate the focused tab in sidebar at startup
  • Lazy load sendtotrash, desktop.
  • 2nd fix #92
  • improves open in new window command

Update from v1.2 to.. ST3:

  • An incredible amount of fixes, corrections and small tweaks, /documented/ via commit messages.

Update v1.2:

  • Improved: Feature "find advanced -> in paths containing" or CTRL+ALT+F now provides instant search, contribution by @ryecroft, thanks a lot!
  • Fix: When only 1 tab is open and setting "close_windows_when_empty" is true. If the user renames or delete the current file will cause the application to close by itself (it will be perceived as a crash but is not).
  • New: Add to the command palette useful commands as duplicate, reveal, move, open project file, open in browser, refresh, rename
  • New: added keybindings F12 to open in local server, ALT+F12 to open in production server.
  • New: Allows to copy the URL of the selected items.
  • Improved: When renaming/moving remember the tab position and syntax.
  • small fixes:
  • Correct display of commands that are available only for projects
  • Be sure to return None if there is no open project
  • only display a message when using the clipboard if something was copied.

Update v1.1:

  • New: Add boolean preference "confirm_before_deleting" which controls if a the package should ask the user to delete files and folders
  • New: When using copy, cut or paste the editor will ask for "replace items" when these items exists. Note: When a folder exists the package will merge the two as in the OS.

Update v1.0:

  • New: Add boolean preference "close_affected_buffers_when_deleting_even_if_dirty" which controls if a buffer should be closed when affected by a deletion operation-

Update v0.9:

  • Minor tweaks and fixes.
  • Fix: Re-enable move to trash for OSX
  • New: Allow to display "file modified time" and "file size" on statusbar via preferences.
  • Fix: Disable of built-in function is now automatic.
  • On the way: exclude from project, promote as project folder. ( requires restart to apply changes, looks like there is no way to reload project files.)
  • Fix: Many appends of same directory to "sys.path"

Update v0.8:

  • Full review for when the user has selection of multiples items.
  • New: Added support for bookmarks and marks for when a view is moved.

Update v0.7:

  • New: After a rename of a file or folder, the affected views will update(reload) to reflect the new location keeping intact content, selections, folded regions and scroll position.
  • New: File path search

Update v0.6:

  • Fix: Paste was pasting on parent folder (Misinterpretation of boolean)
  • Fix: "Open with" works on Linux
  • Improved: Allow case change on Windows when renaming a file or folder
  • Improved: Update to "find commands" for version 2134

Update v0.5:

  • Change: Removed "files" prefix from commands.
  • New: Ability to copy a path relative to the current view
  • New: Ability to "paste in parent"
  • New: Ctrl+T will ask for a new file on same folder as current view
  • Improved: Context menu open faster

Update v0.4:

  • Fix: "Open / Run" fixed on Linux thanks to project [desktop][]
  • Improved: "Paste" command copy permission bits, last access time, last modification time, and flags
  • Improved: "Delete" command send files to trash thanks to [Send2Trash][] . NOTE: If "Delete" fails to send to trash it will ask for "Permanently Delete" On confirmation it delete the item forever.

Update v0.3:

  • Fixed: Open should run correctly with some strange characters on paths
  • New: "Open with.." is enabled and allows to set custom applications for different file extensions.
  • New: "Copy content as Data URI" ( handy for embedding images on CSS files )
  • Improved: Copy img tags now add attributes width and height thanks to project [bfg-pages][] and suggestion from @nobleach.

Update v0.2:

  • Copy paths and names in various formats.
  • Removed license to not conflict with sublime

Update v0.1:

  • Tweaks here, tweaks there.
  • Renamed repository
  • New: "edit" will open the file with sublime text.
  • New: "open" will call to the command line with the file path
  • New: a disabled "open with" for future use
  • Tweaks: ids to all context elements


"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Copyright (C) 2014 Tito Bouzout [tito.bouzout@gmail.com][]

This license apply to all the files inside this program unless noted different for some files or portions of code inside these files.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

Helpful!? Support, Many thanks ^_^

[Donate to support this project.][]

[]: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/43596449/tito/sublime/SideBar/screenshot.png [desktop]: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/desktop [Send2Trash]: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Send2Trash [bfg-pages]: http://code.google.com/p/bfg-pages/ [tito.bouzout@gmail.com]: tito.bouzout@gmail.com [Donate to support this project.]: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=TS3PCN4BHH244