
[git, github]

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Personal Landing Page Project

This personal site was developed during General Assembly's Web Development Immersive program in the spring of 2018. If you like it, fork it and modify away!

Thanks to Esther, Vanessa and Faisal for your support!

Getting Started

Want to get the project up and running on your own? Fork it and clone to your local machine to start playing.


This Friday, you will be having a feedback session with an instructor on your progress on this Personal Portfolio. By then, we expect to see:

  • An updated README.md file
    • A README is like the cover to the book of code you've written for this site. Don't publish a book without a cover! Describe this project in a few sentences - what are you trying to achieve with this page, what technologies are you using, etc. This is a decent template for the way that a README often looks
    • Make sure to link to the live site and include some sort of image (logo or screenshot)
    • If you need help writing markdown language (the reason the file ends in .md), check out this guide.
  • "My work" section
    • Includes (or will include) links to all repos that contain homework deliverables.
  • "Contact me" section
    • Includes (at least) a way to email you, a link to your GitHub profile, and a link to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Some custom HTML, CSS, JS, and images
    • Put your own personal flare on the page and add some customizations. These could be really simple changes that add a bit of your aesthetic or they could be larger features like a navbar, a footer, a photo carousel, bootstrap integration, event listeners, or CSS animations. Google for personal websites, find one that you like, and imitate it!
  • Please submit your assignment in the Project Submission Doc, under the "Personal Portfolio" tab:

We're really looking forward to seeing what you've built by Friday! Please reach out to your peers or instructors if you need help making progress on this project.