Manatee Mania

manatee gif

Debugging a CRUD app with Node, Express, MongoDB, and Mongoose.


This lab is making sure you know how to debug a full-stack JavaScript app using Node, Express, and MongoDB.

  • Fork and clone this repo
  • Install dependencies: npm install
  • Get MongoDB up and running: mongod
  • Seed your database: node seed.js
  • Start your server: nodemon


  • Go to localhost:3000. Stuff should be broken - no manatees are showing up. Let's start fixing them!

  • Go to 'api/manatees' – you'll see in your Node terminal that there are some server-side issues

    • Make sure all your require paths and module.exports keys are correct
    • After you fix all the errors, go to 'api/manatees' to make sure it works
  • Go to 'api/manatees' to see your seeded manatees

    • You'll see that your seed did not work properly (they are missing names!)
    • Fix your code so that the manatees all get names when seeded
    • Re-seed your database after you make this fix
  • Check your console for any errors - you'll see a 404

    • Make sure that the URL you're requesting from the front-end corresponds to a route in the back-end
  • Once you fix the URL, you'll see another error in your console: allManateesFromServer is not defined

    • Look at the line # to see where this should be fixed
  • You'll see another error in your console: renderManatee is not defined

    • Look at the line # to see where this should be fixed
  • Information is still not showing up on the page! Look at your renderManatee function to see why it's not working

    • Make sure manatees are being appended to the correct div
    • Make sure manatee names and images are showing up as well