Twitter Bootstrap + HTML5 Boilerplate + Sass w/ Compass
HTML5 Boilerplate helps you build fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites. Kick-start your project with the combined knowledge and effort of 100s of developers, all in one little package.
Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development.
Sass is amazing and Compass makes it better. BoilerStrap is configured and ready for all your sassy compass needs.
If you're using git (you should be), then you know how tedious it can be to fill out the same git ignore file can be. BoilerStrap includes a standard file. Use it, modify it, delete it. It's up to you.
CodeKit is quickly becoming a front-end developer's best friend. Drag and drop this bad boy into CodeKit. You've never started a project as quickly as this.
One font, 249 icons. The iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap is primed and ready