
Displays a pixelated fire in a 40x32 (1280 pixels) WS2812 matrix. The matrix is scaled down to 20x16 and runs off an ESP32.

The matrix is limited to 25fps due to LED count.

There's a basic canvas renderer using WASM.

Looks something like this:


And something like this (though it looks a lot nicer in real life)



  • 5x 32x8 WS2812B led matrix
  • Some laser-cut pieces of cardboard to make baffles. Files are at parts/.
    • I used a 50x70cm, 3mm thick piece of cardboard.
  • ESP32
  • 5v power supply appropriate for your chosen brigthness; I bought a 10A supply.


I made the baffles 2.5cm deep, which looks nice, but may be too deep, so the brightness has to be increased (to ~100 in my case). Probably 1.5cm would be better, but I've not tested it.