
Repositório de resolução do projeto final em grupo do módulo de testes no curso de backend.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Bookstore API

The Bookstore API is a study project focused on Test-Driven Development (TDD). It provides HTTP endpoints for managing books, book rentals, and user information.

This project was developed as part of the final test of the TDD module provided by Ada tech in collaboration with iFood.

💻 Technologies


To install the project and its dependencies, follow these steps:


Before install the project, make sure you have the following tools installed:

Now, follow the steps below to use the project:

  1. Clone the Repository:

     git clone https://github.com/DavidWesley/ifood-bookstore-api-tdd bookstore-api
     cd bookstore-api
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:

    cd your-project
  3. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Run migrations:

    cd src/db/
    npx tsx migrate.ts


There are two ways to run the project, each serving a different purpose:

Development Mode

This mode is suitable for active development, providing features like hot-reloading and enhanced debugging tools.

  1. Run in development mode:

    npm run dev
  2. Access the Application:

Build Mode

  1. Build the project:
    npm run build
  2. Start in build mode:
    npm start
  3. Access the Application:

This mode optimizes the project for production, maybe ensuring better performance.

Running Tests

To run tests for the project, use the following commands:

  1. Run Tests:
    npm run test
  2. Generate Coverage Report:
    npm run test:coverage
  3. Run Tests in Watch Mode:
    npm run test:watch
    These commands will execute the tests, generate a coverage report (optional), and run tests in watch mode for continuous testing.


The following scripts are available:

  • npm test: Run tests.
  • npm run test:watch: Run tests in watch mode.
  • npm run test:coverage: Generate test coverage report.
  • npm run lint: Run linting checks.
  • npm run format: Format code.
  • npm start: Start the server in production mode.
  • npm run dev: Start the server in development mode.
  • npm run build: Build the project.

📍 API Routes

The tables below provide a summary of the main API routes. For additional details on each route, please refer to Routes.md.

Users Routes

Route HTTP Method Description
/v1/users GET Retrieves a list of all users.
/v1/users/:id GET Retrieves detailed information about a specific user.
/v1/users POST Creates a new user based on the provided data.
/v1/users/:id PUT Updates information for a specific user.
/v1/users/:id DELETE Removes a specific user.

Books Routes

Route HTTP Method Description
/v1/books GET Retrieves a list of all books.
/v1/books/:id GET Retrieves detailed information about a specific book.
/v1/books POST Creates a new book based on the provided data.
/v1/books/:id PUT Updates information for a specific book.
/v1/books/:id DELETE Removes a specific book.

Book Rentals Routes

Route HTTP Method Description
/v1/rental/books GET Retrieves a list of all book rentals.
/v1/rental/books/:id GET Retrieves detailed information about a specific book rental.
/v1/rental/books POST Creates a new book rental based on the provided data.
/v1/rental/books/:id PUT Updates information for a specific book rental.
/v1/rental/books/:id DELETE Removes a specific book rental.

Refer to Routes.md for detailed documentation on each route.

Entity Relationship


The most updated version of the image above can be found at Diagrama


I appreciate all the individuals who have contributed to this project! 🙌