
Numerical utilities, the successor of cl-numlib

Primary LanguageCommon LispBoost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0


This library implements simple numerical functions for Common Lisp, including

  • num=, a comparison operator for floats
  • simple arithmeric functions, like sum and l2norm
  • elementwise operations for arrays
  • intervals
  • special matrices and shorthand for their input
  • sample statistics
  • Chebyshev polynomials
  • univariate rootfinding

See the sources and the docstring for more details.

All the functionality has corresponding unit tests.

Symbol conflicts with alexandria

When you import both cl-num-utils and alexandria, you get symbol conflicts. There are two solutions for this: either import only parts of cl-num-utils (see the packages named in each file), or shadow some symbols, eg

(cl:defpackage #:my-package
  (:use #:cl
  (:shadowing-import-from #:alexandria #:mean #:variance #:median))

Reporting bugs

Bugs are tracked on Github, please open an issue if you find one.


finish histogram code, write tests

decide whether recursive indexes are practical

code is still there, but commented out