Learn Path

Overall Roadmap

  • Basic understand of the lifecycle, permissions and policies of an azure service
  • Basic idea of a pipeline in AzureDevops (testing, deploy to multiple env and secrets)
  • Understand how to monitor performance in azure
  • Understand how internal communication works in azure
  • Understand the consistency options in CosmosDB
  • Learn how to integrate an CosmosDB database with .NET
  • Understand how to create an Azure functions
  • Know wich triggers are available in azure functions
  • Learn how to integrate azure functions with cosmosDB and SQL
  • Learn how to publish and share a .NET library using Azure Devops
  • Learn about most common pattern in redis cache
  • Understand how to create a simple GraphQL and how to query it
  • Learn how to implement the cache- [ ]aside pattern
  • Learn about Service Fabric's Core Subsystems
  • Learn how to migrate .NET Api to service fabric
  • Learn how to run a local cluster
  • Understand pros and cons of service fabric

Phase 1 - The basics - (24h)

Target knowledge:

  • Basic understand of the lifecycle, permissions and policies of an azure service
  • Basic idea of a pipeline in AzureDevops (testing, deploy to multiple env and secrets)
  • Understand how to monitor performance in azure

Hands on approach:

  • Built a simple .NET Core MVC to insert and read items from a SQL database
  • Create a pipeline to build, test and deploy
  • Integrate with application insights

Used technology

  • AppService
  • AzureSQL
  • MVC .NET Core
  • Azure Devops
  • EF Core
  • Application Insights


Phase 2 - Functions and comunication - (32h)

Target knowledge:

  • Understand how internal communication works in azure
  • Understand the consistency options in CosmosDB
  • Learn how to integrate an CosmosDB database with .NET
  • Understand how to create and available triggers in Azure functions
  • Learn how to integrate azure functions with cosmosDB and SQL
  • Learn how to publish and share a .NET library

Hands on approach:

  • Spli MVC into a shared library, a CRUD API and Front-end app
  • Create a pipeline to publish releases for a library
  • Create an Ledger API to increment or decrement a item total
  • Create a function that updates the item count, by triggering it when a insert is done

Used technology

  • CosmosDB
  • .NET Core API
  • Azure Functions


Phase 3 - Cache and GraphQL - (32h)

Target knowledge:

  • Learn about most common pattern in redis cache
  • Understand how to create a simple GraphQL and how to query it
  • Learn how to implement the cache-aside pattern

Hands on approach:

  • Add API to create relations between items
  • Create a GraphQL server
  • Create a Redis-Cache service
  • Integrate Redis with GraphQL
  • Replace reads to use a graphql query

Used technology

  • GraphQL (HotChocolate)
  • Redis-Cache


Phase 4 - Service Fabric - (0h)

Target knowledge:

  • Learn about Service Fabric's Core Subsystems
  • Learn how to migrate .NET Api to service fabric
  • Learn how to run a local cluster
  • Understand pros and cons of service fabric

Hands on approach:

  • Migrate AppServices to Service fabric
  • Implement updates with 0 down time

Used technology

  • Service fabric