Dotfiles and system configuration for GNU/linux
There will be even a basic usage explanation of all the tools.
There are still many things to fix.
Basic kernel and portage configuration for:
- Nvidia GPU and Nvidia driver
- Nvme ssd
- bluetooth usb
- AMD cpu
- cabled internet
- ...
- Global use flags
- Nvidia driver
- amd architecture (2°-3° gen ?)
- ...
Display manager.
Window manager.
Compositer for window.
Better Picom (fork of compton) then Compton. Picom allow round window corner.
i3 status bar with system monitoring tool.
Better Polybar then i3-bar.
i3 menu searcer.
Better Rofi then dmenu.
Terminal emulator.
Using the default GUI theme customizer
Terminal highly customizable. Powerlevel 10k personalization
Terminal multiplexer
All in one text editor.