Angular Full Stack project built using Angular, Express, Mongoose and Node. Whole stack in TypeScript.
- 3
How to Debug client and server code in VS Code?
#202 opened by selvakumarkec - 3
Upgrade Bootstrap to v5
#243 opened by DavideViolante - 1
Upgrade to Angular v14
#253 opened by DavideViolante - 1
Migrate TSLint to ESLint
#231 opened by DavideViolante - 1
Proxy Issue
#242 opened by gbardwell - 1
Update to Angular 12
#241 opened by Jonas-Merforth - 1
Fix e2e tests
#232 opened by DavideViolante - 4
Two mongo connections are opened
#223 opened by DavideViolante - 3
Error when deploying app to AWS EC2
#206 opened by siva563 - 2
How to expose port 80 in production?
#230 opened by RonAlmog - 2
Not able to run on docker compose
#225 opened by manojsdeveloper - 0
Wildcard instead of controllers?
#216 opened by brillout - 2
How to test the server in Postman
#217 opened by issambaccouch - 0
Cannot login with prod bundle (working on dev)
#224 opened by DavideViolante - 0
Cross-Origin if i want access server on prod system
#196 opened by rbrose - 4
#201 opened by felipe1033 - 0
backdoored dependency flatmap-stream
#204 opened by trendzetter - 0
- 1
list dir tree creation duplicates server folder
#207 opened by nivalamata - 1
Error running dev & prod scripts
#208 opened by trydalch - 3
Session Management
#210 opened by wxyzed - 1
JWT token validation is not working
#211 opened by kamleshgorasiya - 0
Error while running "npm run dev" command
#212 opened by sumanmahto - 2
After install error
#213 opened by infrarosso78 - 1
- 0
body parser package could be removed
#209 opened by robdll - 0
Organizing the `app.js` to be more Typescript like and adding flexibility to use other libs like Socket.io, ngUniversal and etc.
#203 opened by marioteik - 2
Adding async/await and try/catch at BaseCtrl`s methods for better debbug and readability.
#198 opened by marioteik - 0
How to use getCat() instead of getCats()
#168 opened by felixchristo - 1
Error in dist folder creation
#171 opened by Santhamani - 0
#174 opened by Chriscxa - 4
ORM Decision
#176 opened by Kaffiend - 1
Not-Found Component doesn't actually send 404 Status
#177 opened by flipch - 1
#178 opened by react-hunter - 4
Uploading file or image
#179 opened by felixchristo - 3
Configuration manager for the server
#182 opened by gremo - 1
how to upload image and get path
#185 opened by sumit1203 - 0
- 2
#189 opened by oshri - 1
How to write web services for Mobile?
#190 opened by skaka0190 - 1
How to run project on AWS EC2 instance?
#192 opened by skaka0190 - 0
On production response return html instead json resp
#193 opened by skaka34 - 2
e2e testing
#191 opened by beshad - 2
How to display {{cats.length}} in app.component.html like it is in cats.component.html ?
#187 opened by adwulfran - 7
Is this project has good structure?
#175 opened by msameerbm - 4
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Unused HttpClient?
#169 opened by fenixn - 2
DB name change
#170 opened by SureeshBaabu - 1
How do i run backend tests?
#167 opened by elialber - 1
Logout ExpressionError
#165 opened by Chriscxa