- Remove the build folder in the IOS/Android folder
- Rename all the file name which is myTemplate
- Search all "myTemplate" and replace it by your project name
- Open the Xcode. Change the name of Scheme to your project
02/19: Update to the React-Native 0.4x
01/16: Move the tab bar to the bottom and add the icon
Class must be Capitalize, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38038751/react-native-expected-a-component-class-got-object-object
Reference, https://github.com/hiphonezhu/RN-Demos/tree/master/Demo7
01/09: Fix the error when user clicks the Login/SignUp button in the main page.
// in the src/components/LoginForm/index.js
<Form ref={ref => { this.form = ref }}
<Form ref={ref => { t.form = ref }}
01/11: Add the following functionality
- Send the confirmation email if user creates the personal account (not use Facebook log in)
- Need to activate the account first
- Diable auto correct in the Email text input
01/14: Solve the "button can't click issue' in android
- FuYaoDe/react-native-app-intro#14
- Root cause is caused by react-native-app-intro module
- Take the alternative approach:
- Remove the button in the last page of App intro
- Add the "Done" button in the last page
- If user clicks it, App will jump to sign up/log in page
- iOS/Android are both good