
Automates the "steamworks" mini-game found in MHW:IB by reading process memory to decode correct inputs.

Primary LanguageC#


Auto Steamworks

Auto Steamworks


The Auto Steamworks is a tool used to automate the Monster Hunter World: Iceborne mini-game, the steamworks. By reading the memory values found within the the Monster Hunter World process, the automated is also able to determine the correct sequence to win every round.

Please use the Github page to ask for features.

How To Install

Requires .NET Framework 4.6.1 or greater
  1. Download the .zip
  2. Extract to wherever you want.
  • To uninstall simply delete the folder containing the exe.

How To Use

To start
Currently supported MHW:IB version: 410014
  1. MHW:IB must be running, and you must have loaded into a character file.
  2. Open the steamworks mini game. Press "start" to begin the game.
  3. Execute AutoSteamworks.exe.
  4. Upon being prompted, press any key to start.
  5. Switch to the game window.
To stop
  1. Switch to the AutoSteamworks application
  2. type "quit" and press enter.

How to Configure

  • The default configuration file can be found in AutoSteamworks.exe.config. Editing the values in this file will effect how the Auto Steamworks runs.
  • If you wish to create multiple config files, you can pass an absolute config file path as the first argument when running the exe. The config file must be in the following xml format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <add key="Config Key" value ="Config Value"/>
Configuration Keys
Key Type Default Description
Debug bool false Debug mode will cause for more verbose messages when running
LogFile string "" The absolute path to a file where you want all messages written to. If you are having issues, this might be beneficial to specify so that you can email the file to one of the contributors
DelayBetweenCombo + int 50 The delay between key presses. If the app is having issues synchronizing, this may be something to tweak
RandomRun bool false Setting this will cause the app to input completely random sequences. The app defaults to this mode if the game version you are running is not supported by the app.
IsAzerty bool false USed to indicate if your keyboard layout is azerty. false indicates qwerty.
KeyCutsceneSkip + int 88 The key code integer representation of the key to press to skip cutscenes. Default is 88 which represents the x key
CommonSuccessRate Range[0.0,1.0] 1.0 The probability to win when the prize is a common reward
RareSuccessRate Range[0.0,1.0] 1.0 The probability to win when the prize is a rare reward
MaxTimeSlotNumberSeconds + int 30 The maximum amount of time the app should spend trying to determine which character slot you are using. This depends on how often your game writes to memory so slower pcs might need to increase this value
OnlyUseNaturalFuel bool false Should the app stop if stored fuel needs to be spent to continue?
StopAtFuelAmount +int 0 How much fuel you want to be left (i.e. play the game until I have this much or less fuel). Which fuel storage to look at for this check is determined by the OnlyUseNaturalFuel config key.
AutoQuit bool false Should the app auto quit when complete or if an error occurs, or wait for user indication to close?

Contributors & Credits:

Pull requests are welcome.