
Repo for "Your Developer Tool Kit" event on 4/25/18.

Primary LanguageCSS

Your Developer Tool Kit Workshop

By the Davis Computer Science Club, 4/25/18

Host: Bryan Ngo

1. Set up


  1. Install Homebrew

Copy and paste the following in your terminal and hit return.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  1. Install Git

Copy and paste the following in your terminal and hit return.

brew install git


  1. Install cmder

Click on the above link to the installtion file

  1. Install git

Nothing to be done here! Git should come wth Cmder


  1. Install git

Copy and paste the following in your terminal and hit return.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install git

2. Last Week, Brand Development. Now what?

Personal Website

  1. Go here and create a new repository with format of <YOUR GITHUB USERNAME>.github.io. My username is bryngo, so I would name my repo bryngo.github.io
  2. Clone the repository for today's workshop.
git clone https://github.com/DavisCSClub/YourDevToolKit.git
  1. Copy or move the Ceevee10 folder to a different working directory on your computer and then cd into it.
cp -r YourDevToolKit/Ceevee10 ~/Desktop/
cd ~/Desktop/Ceevee10
  1. Locally initialize the local Ceevee10 directory as a new local git repository and push all the files to GitHub
git init
git remote add origin <YOUR REPO URL>
git add -A
git commit -m "Initial Commit"
git push -u origin master
  1. Your site should now be live! Head to <YOUR GITHUB USERNAME>.github.io to see your site. I would go to bryngo.github.io

  2. Now, let's make some changes to our website.

Optional Further Steps

Get a custom domain
  • Namecheap
    • About $10 a year depending on domain
Get a server

3. Optimizing Your Workflow

Text Editors

Note: Picture shown below is a complete opinion and pretty inaccurate. illustrative purposes only

Text Editor Effectivess

Lower Tier

Vim / Emacs
  • Why use this?
    • Making changes to files on a server.
    • Nice for quick / small changes
  • Everyone should know how to use this.

Middle Tier

Atom / Sublime
  • Why use this?
    • You're tired to the clunky interface from vim, and don't feel like learning all the shortcuts.
  • Awesome plugins (Atom)
    • Demo Markdown + LaTeX plugin

Top Tier

  • Why use this?
    • You're using middle tier text editors, but you find yourself using other tools to help with your development (debuggers, database viewers, etc).
  • IDEs are pretty much intelligent and customizable text editors.
  • Demo C++ code refactoring
Text Editor Summary
  • Different tiers require different levels of commitment to really take advantage of its full potential.
  • Out of the box performance vs performance after learning the tool


  • macOS application of workflow optimization
    • cost money :(

4. Random Plugins


  • Like youtube clip converter, but without the ads and more command line


  • allows to greater customization to your shell
  • Lots of plug-ins


  • shows what hotkeys you press
  • useful if you keep forgetting what the control symbols are

5. Honorable Mentions (Plugins)

  • Travs CI
    • Integrate testing into your projects
  • Anaconda
    • Popular way to manage python modules / python versions