
NextSite - NEXT.js Static export example

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

NextSite - Static export example

GitHub Workflow Status (branch) GitHub tag (latest SemVer) node-lts GitHub last commit

Hosting a Next.js website with GitHub Pages example

This example show how to export to static HTML files your Next.js application fetching data from an API to generate a dynamic list of pages.

When trying to run npm start it will build and export your pages into the out folder and serve them on localhost:3000.


How to use

First, run the development server:

  1. Choose a place to run a local copy and open the terminal
  2. Get copy from Github eg


and copy the following into the terminal. This will create a appropriate location or change to suit your preferences.

mkdir -p "$HOME/GitHub/DavitTec/"
git clone https://github.com/DavitTec/nextsite-0.1.0.git $HOME/GitHub/DavitTec/nextsite-0.1.0
cd $HOME/GitHub/DavitTec/nextsite-0.1.0
echo "Check installed versions"
echo -e "VERSIONS\nNode:\t$(node -v)\nNVM:\t$(nvm -v)\nNPM:\t$(npm -v)\n"
npm update # update any missing packages
npm run dev # run the development

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!


Node: v16.14.0 NVM: 0.38.0 NPM: 8.5.1


