Purpose of the App

This app will help you to get information about various crypto currencies and stock exchanges. It also provides educational videos about blockchain and crypto assets and current news from all around the world.


  • see endless list of crypto currencies with their latest prices
  • see list of biggest crypto stock exchanges
  • search various crypto currencies and stock exchanges
  • watch educational videos about crypto currencies and blockchain technology
  • convert different crypto currencies into fiat currencies (USD, EURO, GEL, Pounds) and vice versa
  • change app languages from English to Georgian and Amharic
  • switch between night and day modes
  • update user's email and password
  • use firebase in-app messaging service to chat with support

The App uses:

  • Firebase Authentication
  • Firebase Crashlytics
  • Firebase Push Notifications
  • Retrofit
  • Room Database
  • Dagger Hilt
  • Coroutines
  • RecyclerView
  • Paging 3
  • Navigation Component
  • Bottom Navigation View
  • Side Navigation
  • Google Splash Screen
  • Launcher Icon

How to use app

Home Page

On the home screen user can see:

  • list of crypto currencies and stock exchanges
  • search through them
  • scroll up via arrow icon
  • bottom navigation to switch on different pages

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News Page

On the news page user can see latest crypto news and clicking on the news will redirect to the news website


Favourites Page

On the favourites page user can see favourite cryptos and exchanges, but to use it user needs to log in/register.

Educational Page

On the education page user can see videos and play them


Side Navigation

on the side navigation, if user is not logged in, he/she can find convert and settings page. When logged in, additionally user photo, name & surname, support and log out buttons appear.


Login In/Register

user can either log in or register here


Convert Page

user can convert different crypto currencies into fiat currencies (USD, EURO, GEL, Pound Sterling) and vice versa


Settings Page

user can change the app language from English to Georgian and Amharic. Also switch between night and day modes, see his/her information and by long press on email or password change them

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Support Page

in the support page user can chat with a support

Log out

by clicking log out button user can log out from the current account and support and favourites pages will not be available anymore