Show Desktop (Win7)

A fork of the default plasmoid but removes the icon and looks like a flat thin button. Can be configured to minimize all windows instead of "peaking" at the desktop, or to run a command. Scrolling over the button changes the volume, switch desktop, or any other command.


A) Install via KDE

  1. Right Click Panel > Panel Options > Add Widgets
  2. Get New Widgets > Download New Widgets
  3. Search: Win7 Show Desktop
  4. Install
  5. Drag "Show Desktop (Win7)" to your panel.

B) Install via GitHub

git clone
cd plasma-applets/org.kde.plasma.win7showdesktop

To update, run the ./update script. It will run a git pull then reinstall the applet. Please note this script will restart plasmashell (so you don't have to relog)!