- Our estimate of the time to complete the entire task is 4 hours
- You need to use VsCode. The whole team uses this IDE
- You need to use Linux/Macos/WSL. We don't work on Windows
- You need to install Bun.sh: "curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash"
- You can use Opera Aria, ChatGPT, Copilot, Goolge, Brain
- Do not add any dependencies
- Your understanding of the TDD approach
- Your understanding of TypeScript
- Your basic knowledge of JavaScript
- Your basic knowledge of English
- Your accuracy and productivity
- Your ability to communicate and ask questions
- Your ability to read the task
- Your ability to understand a task from a common sense point of view
- Fork this repository
- Clone your fork
- Open the cloned repo in a terminal
- Run the command "bun i"
- Run the "bun test" command - all tests will fail
- Implement "collection.ts" so that as many tests as possible succeed - the more tests succeed, the more points you get. You should not change anything beyond the examples in this file as part of this assignment
- Make sure eslint doesn't show errors in the IDE
- Implement TypeScript types for "request" and "options" in "collection.ts"
- Follow the same coding style used in this code. Yes, there is no documentation. You just need to write code in the same style as the previous developer
- Click the result on your fork. It is preferable to use the "Regular Commit" style