Welcome to the Atom Learning Coding Test! Congratulations on reaching this stage in the process. We hope you are eager to show us what you can do in this coding test.
This is a monorepo that contains both the frontend and backend components in separate folders with their own package.json
The frontend and backend make up our question & answer quiz app. It displays questions to users and they have to work out the answer to the question. We have provided a bank of questions (these are old, retired questions from our real platform so there may be the odd typo/mistake!) which are served up by the backend and displayed on the frontend.
There are a series of tasks to carry out. Which tasks you do will depend on whether you are applying for a frontend, backend or full-stack role. If you are unsure which of these roles you have applied for, please check with whoever sent you this test.
You will find more details in the README files in each folder, but here is some general guidance:
- Please commit at least once per task and include the task number at the start of the message.
- The (mins) after each task is to give you an idea of the complexity of the task. We will not be analysing commit times to see how long each one took you.
- Make sure your commit diffs are clean - if you want to use different linting rules that's fine, but please apply all changes in a single commit so they don't pollute the task commits.
Good luck!