
FullStack Camera app that captures an image and sends it to the mail. Built with NodeJS, Typescript, ReactJS, AWS SES, Jest.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

MieterEngel coding challenge

Welcome to the MieterEngel coding challenge! Your mission, should you accept it, is to build a page that our customers can use to take a picture of a page with their mobile phone and send the picture to us via email.


First install server dependencies:

cd server && npm install

Next install client dependencies:

cd client && yarn

Create a .env inside of server directory and add the following config variables

  HOST=<HOST> //http:localhost
  AWS_CONFIG_SET_EMAIL=<VALID_AWS_CONFIG_SET_EMAIL> //https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/send-email.html Lookup how to send emails with aws SES
  MAIL_TO=<VALID_EMAIL> //x.xyz@xyz.com

CD into client directory and create a .env file and add the following config variables

  REACT_APP_BASE_API_URL=<SERVER_URL> //http://localhost:6000

To run both applications concurrently in DEV mode, from the root of the project

npm run dev


Endpoint Resource Payload Method
'/' Server is up N/A GET
'/upload' Upload Image screenshot and get a pdf copy in mailbox base64EncodedImage in req.body POST