AWS Cloudwatch Logs Checker


This is a helper script that checks all running instances within an AWS region and looks to see if they are shipping logs to Cloudwatch Logs. The script allows output as json, csv or just a text summary.

By default it will filter out instances where platform == windows. You can use the --windows flag to output only windows instances.

Be aware that this script will use the default aws profile when running. You will need to use --profile to specify what awscli profile you want to use.

If you have multiple accounts that you want to query then you will need to run the script within a loop. There are some examples outlined below for bash and Windows.


# Output as json (with default profile)
python --hours {hours in past to check} --json

# Output as csv file (with default profile)
python --hours {hours in past to check} --csv

# Use different AWS Profile (specifying profile)
python --profile {other_profile} --hours {hours in past to check} --csv

# Check if SSM is running on the instance as well (with default profile)
python --hours {hours in past to check} --ssm --json

# Check Windows Instances Only and output to csv (with default profile)
python --hours {hours in past to check} --windows --csv

Running in Loop


set -ef

# Setting Run Vars

# Usage Instructions
if [ "$env" == "" ]; then
  echo "Usage:"
  echo "./ {env}"
  echo "exiting..."
  exit 1

## In this example the .aws/config file entries look like:
## [profile p-sandbox]

# Get list of aws profiles from config file
aws_profile_string=$(grep "profile $env-" ~/.aws/config | awk -F " " '{print $2}' | tr -d "]")

# convert string to array
aws_profiles=(${aws_profile_string///\n/ })

# Iterate over the array
for e in "${!aws_profiles[@]}"; do
  echo "---------------------------------"
  echo "Running Script on: ${aws_profiles[e]}"
  python --profile "${aws_profiles[e]}" --hours 72 --csv


This is in dire need of refactoring. It is functional but is a bit of a mess and performance could be improved.