To run v5.2 on Docker Machine on OSX you will need to update the max_map_count
docker-machine ssh
sudo su
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
This will load up a 3 node Elasticsearch cluster and Kibana. There are two versions for Elasticsearch v5.2 and v2.0
- Remove .local Search Domain from Wi-Fi DNS settings. This causes delays when running docker-compose.
- This version will work fine on both normal Docker and docker machine
- Haven't tested on Windows
- v5.2 made some changes to how zen discovery works so need to load in custom config. Need to set to specific interface and explicitly list the nodes in the cluster.
- This causes some issues in docker-machine because of file permissions when mounting local directories with docker-compose.
- There are also issues with DNS resolution in docker-compose.
- Change to required version directory
- start cluster and Kibana with:
docker-compose up -d
- check cluster status with:
curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/health\?v\&h\=status,,cluster
- Access Kibana at http://localhost:5601
- build docker image with name es52
docker build -t es52 .
- Run docker compose
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml.dockermachine up -d
- check cluster status with:
curl http://<dockermachine_ip>:9200/_cat/health\?v\&h\=status,,cluster
- Access Kibana at http://dockermachine_ip:5601