codeceptjs 2.0 code migration for 'include' objects (Alpha version)

Codemod for migrating of 1.* style codeceptjs 'include' object dependency injection into require/import declaration.

Currently this codemod is in Alpha state with only basic migration and not a lot of testing. You should always have the code you're migrating under sourcecontrol! This codemod can be run in dry mode to view the changes before actually changing any code. (see the 'how to' section)

In 1.* the 'include' objects are injected into the callback passed to Scenario function as the second parameter ex.:

Scenario('My test scenario', (myIncludeObj) => {;

In codeceptjs 2.0 these 'include' objects will no longer be injected into Scenario callback functions. The include objects should instead be required/imported.

const myIncludeObj = require('./mylib/myIncludeObj');

Scenario('My test scenario', () => {;

In codeceptjs 1.* these include objects are declared inside the 'include' section of codeceptjs config.

'include': {
    'myIncludeObj': './myLib/myIncludeObj'

how to

After installing the package globally it can be run with the following command where the -c option points to codeceptjs config containing the 'include' section and the 'tests' glob pointing to the files which will be migrated:

codeceptjs-migrate20-include -c <codeceptjs config path>

To run the codemod in 'dry mode' without actually modifying the code use the '-d' or '--dry' flag:

codeceptjs-migrate20-include -c <codeceptjs config path> -d

To override the 'tests' glob from codeceptjs config run the command with '-f' or 'files' option:

codeceptjs-migrate20-include -c <codeceptjs config path> -f <glob pointing to files to migrate>