
Primary LanguagePython


Code Explanation and Instructions to compile

  1. import random = Importing the Random module inorder to get random choices.
import random
  1. def Solution(): = Defining the function called Solution.
  2. Doors = [1, 2, 3] = Declaring the Doors variable and passing a list of doors.
def Solution():
    Doors = [1, 2, 3]
  1. Stay = 0 = Declaring the Stay variable, assigning 0 as the value to it and it functions as a counter for the number of times the player Stays with the same door.
    Stay = 0
  1. Switch = 0 = Declaring the Switch variable, assigning 0 as the value to it and it functions as a counter for the number of times the player Switches to the other door.
    Switch = 0
  1. for i in range(1000): = Declaring a For loop that will run for 1000 times.
    for i in range(1000):
        door = random.choice(Doors)
        player = random.choice(Doors)
  1. door = random.choice(Doors) = Choosing a Random door and assigning to a variable named as door which is the correct order.
  2. player = random.choice(Doors) = Choosing a Random door and assigning to a variable named as player which is the order that is chosed by the player.
        if player == door:
            Stay += 1
            Switch += 1
  1. if player == door: Stay += 1 = Defining an if statement that checks if the player chosed the correct door as the door variable's value, if the statement is True then will add +1 to the Stay Variable.
  2. else: Switch +=1 = if the statement is False then will add +1 to the Switch Variable.
    print("Stay: count {} = {}% | Switch : count {} = {}%".format(Stay, Stay/10, Switch, Switch/10)) 
  1. Print statement to prints the number of times the player stays with the same door and the percentage of times the player stays with the same door.