
Codebase for the World Theatre Map

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

World Theatre Map

Running the app

npm install


Quick start

  • Dependencies: Git, Meteor
  • Fork and clone project
  • meteor npm install and meteor to start the app

1. Install Git

  • Check if git is already installed by opening terminal and typing which git. If you see see something like /usr/bin/git then git is already installed. If nothing is returned then complete the next step.
  • Follow the instructions here: https://git-scm.com/downloads

2. Meteor

  • curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh

3. Fork and clone the project

To create your own app or to contribute changes to the World Theatre Map, first fork the project and clone the code locally

4. Copy and edit the settings file

  • Make a copy of the settings-default.json file (can be any name you like, will be referred to as settings.json in this documentation)
  • Currently all options are required

The options used in the settings.json file are:

  "AWSAccessKeyId": "",
  "AWSSecretAccessKey": "",
  "AWSRegion": "",
  "AWSSourceBucket": "",
  "AWSTargetBucket": "",
  "SendContentNotifications": false,
  "GoogleTranslateAPIKey": "",
  "public": {
    "AWSShareImageBucket": "",
    "WTMDataApi": "/graphql",
    "WTMDataApiAuth": "",
    "GoogleAnalytics": ""

5. Start app

  • Using a terminal, navigate into the cloned project directory (such as cd worldtheatremap)
  • Type meteor npm install
  • This command installs lots of dependencies and may take a few minutes.
  • Type meteor --settings settings.json to start the app (where settings.json is the settings file you created in step 4)
  • Using a browser navigate to http://localhost:3000

6. Meteor shell for creating admin users (optional)

If you need to create admin accounts you can either do it directly in the database using Mongo commands or using the Meteor shell

  • Create an account on your new local version of the site (http://localhost:3000/join)
  • Find the ObjectId of the user (either type Meteor.userId() in a browser console, or look in the user collection in Mongo)
  • meteor shell
  • Roles.addUsersToRoles("xxxxxx", ['admin']) where xxxxxx is the Mongo ObjectId of the user.

7. Styling and SCSS

We use scss for compiled css. All scss files can be found in client/scss.

If you are editing scss files you will need to use Grunt to compile into css.

  • Grunt should already be installed when you ran meteor npm install above. You can run which grunt to verify it is installed.
  • In a new terminal window, make sure you are in the project root directory and run the command grunt.
  • Changes to the scss files will now be automatically compiled and the site should immediately update with the new styles.

8. Profile image uploading

  • Images are hosted on Amazon S3 and use the Slingshot package to upload ().
  • Our implementation resizes the images and resaves them on another S3 bucket.
  • Our implementation is similar to this tutorial: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/with-s3-example.html
  • The target bucket name and source bucket name can be configured in the settings.json file

9. Extracting strings for translation

  • We use React Intl for translations. If you have added or altered code that uses a translatable string then you need to add it to the i18n/en.json file, and add translations to the appropriate translation files i18n/es.json, i18n/fr.json, etc.


If you would like to host your own version of the World Theatre Map, you will need to select a hosting provider and deploy your new app. We host the map on Galaxy: https://www.meteor.com/hosting

Running tests

The World Theatre Map uses the Chimp testing framework for functional tests. Tests are written in Cucumber and located in the tests directory.

  • Make sure the meteor app is running
  • Run meteor npm run chimp in a terminal to run all tests
  • You can run specific tests by adding a @focus tag to tests then running meteor npm run chimp-watch


To lint:

npm run lint

To update taxonomy terms (example of interests)

  • Update interests-list.js
  • Update en.json, es.json, and fr.json (both the key and value)
  • Deploy
  • Run the updateTaxonomyTerm.js script to update existing database values
  • Remove old term from database directly

Based on the Todo sample app from Meteor