
FileHelpers is ok and all but its bulky. This makes reading FixedWidthFiles fasters.

Primary LanguageC#

//[FixedWidthFile(Arguments)] // Mark class as Fixed Width File.
//Arguments: na
// PadFile bool: Set whether or not to pad each line the total length of all Field Chars.
[FixedWidthFile(PadFile = true)]
public class Fw_Test
//[FixedWidthField(Arguments, Properties: [Length, Trim])]
// Mark properties as Fixed Width Fields.
// HeaderName string: If set it will be added to the context.FieldHeaders and the parsed class array.
// Length int: The fixed length of the field.
// - If not set this field will be ignored durring import.
// Trim bool: Trim white space before and after field value.
// Repeat int: Repeat this field x times

    [FixedWidthField("Field One", Length = 15)]   
    public string One { get; set; }   

    /// <summary>   
    //You can group repeated sets of fields together using a secondary class.
    //If you define headers in the secondary class it creates "bucketed" groups (A_1|B_1, A_2|B_2)
    //Otherwise define a secondary field and collect the values you need from the array
    /// </summary>
    //[FixedWidthField(typeof(Fw_Test_Object), Repeat = 3)]
    //private Fw_Test_Object[] _SubClass { get; set; }

    //[FixedWidthField("Test Field")]
    //public string SubClass => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
    //    _SubClass.Select(x => x.ToArray()).ToList()

    [FixedWidthField(typeof(Fw_Test_Bucket), Repeat = 3)]
    public Fw_Test_Bucket[] _SubClass { get; set; }

    public List<Fw_Test_Bucket> SubClass
        get => _SubClass.ToList();
        set => _SubClass = SubClass.ToArray();

    [FixedWidthField("Field Four", Length = 15)]
    public string Four { get; set; }

    [FixedWidthField("Field Five", Length = 14)]
    public string Five { get; set; }

    [FixedWidthField("Field Six", Length = 9)]
    public string Six { get; set; }

    public string[] ToArray()
        return new List<string>

public class Fw_Test_Bucket
    [FixedWidthField("SubFieldOne_", Length = 15)]
    public string SubFieldOne { get; set; }

    [FixedWidthField("SubFieldTwo_", Length = 12)]
    public string SubFieldTwo { get; set; }

public class Fw_Test_Object
    [FixedWidthField(Length = 15)] public string SubFieldOne { get; set; }

    [FixedWidthField(Length = 12)] public string SubFieldTwo { get; set; }

    public string[] ToArray()
        return new[]