
boilerplate of vue/vuex/vue(x)-router, with sass/prerendering, muse-ui, and firebase/firebaseui

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Standard - JavaScript Style Guide

Progressive Web App (PWA) starter-kit using vue/vuex/vue(x)-router/offline-plugin, with sass, prerendering, muse-ui, and firebase/firebaseui!


Everything in vue-cli:webpack (hot reloading/vue file/webpack2/eslint/postcss+sass+stylus+less/...), plus:

  • vue / vuex / vue-router / vuex-router-sync
  • firebase
  • vuexfire
  • firebaseui
  • muse-ui
  • Offline Ready, Progressive Web App (PWA)
  • prerendering for better SEO

Build Commands

# install dependencies
yarn # or `npm install`

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn dev # or `npm run dev`

# build for production with minification and prerendering
yarn build # or `npm run build`

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

# run unit tests
yarn run unit # or `npm run unit`

# run e2e tests
yarn run e2e # or `npm run e2e`

# run all tests
yarn test # or `npm test`

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the guide and docs for vue-loader.

Folder Structure

The folder structure is basically the same as vue-cli's webpack template.

Check the folder structure of the docs here.

├── build           # webpack config files
├── config          # project config (mainly used by webpack)
├── dist            # production bundled files when `npm run build`
├── node_modules    # npm dependencies
├── src             # the main src folder, see below for detail
├── static          # pure static assets (directly copied)
├── test            # unit tests and e2e tests
├── index.html      # the index.html template, used by html-webpack-plugin
└── package.json    # package info, build scripts and npm dependencies
├── assets              # module assets (processed by webpack)
├── components          # ui components
├── router              # vue-router routes
├── sass                # sass styles, _variables and _mixins
├── store               # vuex setting, store and modules
├── views               # also called `containers`, see below
├── App.vue             # main app component
├── initFirebase.js     # firebase settings, put your apiKeys here
├── main.js             # the entry point
├── muse-ui-theme.less  # muse-ui theme settings
└── pwa.js              # progressive web app (offline-plugin) runtime

To understand the difference between components and views (or containers), check out this article by redux author Dan Abramov (@gaearon).

You can rename the views to containers if you prefer : )


Muse-UI Theme

Muse-UI currently only support theme settings using less. Check out the docs and change variables in this file src/muse-ui-theme.less.

You can use the color palette from material design colors, watch the video to learn how to choose them.

Webpack Settings

Globals Variables


There is a __DEV__ variable that is defined by webpack, and will be replaced during compile time. Therefore, you can use this in your code to separate debug code and production code.

For example, this

if (__DEV__) {
  window.firebase = firebase

will make window.firebase available during development for easier debugging, but will be trimmed out when building for produciton.


@ = src

When importing, the @ sign is aliased to src directory, so no need to use ../../../ in nested directories anymore, just use @/store, @/components, etc.

Static folder path

Different from the default settings of vue-cli webpack template, I changed the assetsSubDirectory from 'static' to ''. This means that everything you put in the static/* folder will be copied to the root of dist/*, instead of dist/static/*.

I did this because Netlify's _redirects needs to be in the root of the published directory dist/, see the following Deploy/Netlify section for more info.

Progressive Web App (PWA)

The offline-plugin is only used in production build.

Thanks to the awesome offline-plugin, vue-firebase-starter is offline ready! It uses ServiceWorker and fallbacks to AppCache to cache webpack output assets (or other assets if specified).

To understand the life-cycle of ServiceWorker and how it is updated, check out this awesome video.

For more information, check out offline-plugin's docs.


vue-firebase-starter uses prerender-spa-plugin to prerender html when building for production.

Because prerender will generate rendered DOM into html, and vue needs to be able to take control after, make sure the root component has the same id as the element it's replacing.



I recommend http://realfavicongenerator.net/, the best favicon generator I've used!

Just follow the instruction and put the extracted files in the static/ folder, and override the <head></head> section in index.html.


I highly recommend you try out Netlify if you haven't!

Just signup, choose your GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket account and repo, put in two settings:

  • build command: yarn build
  • Publish directory: dist

And you're all set! Every time you push to the chosen branch, you're site rebuilds and deploys automatically!


To use Netlify with vue-router (or any other SPA), we need to setup a _redirects file in the root of the published directory (NOT the root of project).

This is already done for you, check out statics/_redirects.