I implemented IAM and S3 service for my wesite :
S3 : Create Bucket , Delete Bucket , Upload File , Download File
IAM : List Policies (I using python from backenf allowed only "S3","IAM","EC2" Policies to be shown. THis can be changes in app.py -> def iam() -> edit allowed list if want to list some other services' policy.
List Group ,
Create Group (Create a group and attach as many as all allowed policies to a group) ,
Edit Group (Change can be implemented to any except the root - priviledge given through python-flask (manually)) ,
Delete Group (You can delete a group - if empty , if policy attached and even if this group is attached to a user. You can't delete a root group - priviledge from RemoveGroup() in app.py)
List User ,
Create User (Create a user and attach a group to user),
Edit User (Change Username of all user except the root - priviledge given through flask in EditUser() in app.py )
Delete User (You can delete a user - if empty , if group attached. But root Users can't be deleted - priviledge from RemoveUser() in app.py)