
A study on the ingenious concept of word2vec. The repository contains a detailed code of the CBOW and Skip-gram architectures.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


The repository houses the code for intuitively understanding Word Embeddings. We take help of tf.keras to build word-embeddings.

We have documented all of the experiments with wandb and have reports for the same published in their gallery.

Articles for W&B:

Folder Structure

The repository is structured in the following way:

  • Word2Vec
    • CBOW.ipynb: The notebook which showcases the Bag of Word technique for word embeddings.
    • Skip_gram.ipynb: The notebook which showcases the Skip-Gram technique for word embeddings.
    • Word2Vec_ablation.ipynb: This notebook houses an ablation done on the tensorflow official word2vec guide. (This uses a different negative pair context)
  • Glove
    • Negative_Sampling.ipynb: The process of negative sampling as a replacement of softmax.
    • Glove.ipynb: The notebook which showcases the GloVe embeddings.
  • FastText
    • enriching_fasttext.ipynb: The notebook which showcases the Enriching Subwords process word embeddings.

A study on Word Embeddings

The concept of words as vectors was an ingenius concept introduced in 2013 by Mikolov et.al. During the time of its conception, it blew open the possibilities and raised the bar of NLP. Through this repository and the accompanying Weights and Biases report, we have segmented the concept thoroughly and in a such a way that all idelogical intuitions formed in transition of reading the report pave way for a better understanding of the underlying mathematics involved. We have also included a hands-on coding tutorial explaining each relevant steps invovled.