
Javascript function joining.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Allows the ability to add extra functionality to an existing function by joining an array of functions together.


First include the joint function in your script

function joint(a){var b;return b=a[a.length-1],a.pop(),a=a.length>1?joint(a):a[0],function(){b.apply(new a)}}

or include the js file

<script src="//raw.github.com/Dayjo/joint/master/joint.min.js"></script>

Then use it like this;

// My original function that I want to extend
function my_func() {
  console.log( "Original functionality." );

// Function with the new functionality
function new_func() {
  console.log( "New functionality." );

// Add the functionality of new_func to my_func 
my_func = joint([ my_func, new_func ]);

// Now run the original function with the new functionality

 > Original functionality.
 > New functionality.

Here it is on jsbin; http://jsbin.com/orIDujE/1/edit?js,console