
A simple app that allows friends and colleagues create groups for notifications. Its API documentation can be found below

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Coverage Status Code Climate Issue Count Test Coverage License: MIT

PostIt Project by Hussain Ademola

PostIt v1.0

PostIt is a simple application that allows friends and colleagues create groups for notifications. This way one person can post notifications to everyone by sending a message once. The application allows people create accounts, create groups and add registered users to the groups, and then send messages out to these groups whenever they want.

Getting started

  • Fork the repo and clone to your local machine.
  • Run npm install to download dependencies.
  • Run npm run server to start the API endpoints.
  • Use postman to test the API endpionts.
  • To run tests do npm test.


  • You need a database (remote or local) to be able to use the app.

Note: The API documentation is been currently worked on and wold be relased soon. Check the server/routes/index.js for available routes of the API endpoints.


  • User can create an account.
  • User can Create broadcast groups.
  • User can add other registered users to created groups
  • User send messages to members to of a group.

Stack Used:

  • Node.js
  • Sequelze as the ORM.
  • Postgresql for data persistence.
  • Mocha as the testing framework and Chai as the assertion library
  • Travis CI for continous integration
  • Hound CI for style cheking commits in PRs
  • Coveralls for test coverage reporting
  • Heroku for continous deployments

Its API documentation can be found here

Methodology Used:

Agile methodology was used for the project and Trello Board was used for the project management.


Open Source tutorials

Thank You!!!

Developer: Hussain Ademola