TvMaze Scraper API live version can be found here:
- Visual studio version: 16.8.2
- C# 7.1
- .NET Core 2.1
- Docker
Navigate to the project folder where the docker-compose.yml file is contained, for example:
Open a console in project root and execute:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
The project has a swagger UI to test endpoints. Is available in URL: http://localhost/swagger/index.html
There is a hosted service that will run when application starts and start fetching shows and casts from TvMaze Api. After a couple of seconds there will be data to test the paginated endpoint. There is also a scheduler that will sync from last page every day at 00:01 UTC(-1) following specified CRON expression.
You can test paginated endpoint with the following JSON:
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 10