
A bunch of useful functions and callback for actors.

Primary LanguagePawnMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


An include with a bunch of useful functions and callback for actors. Functions returning 1 on success, 2 for specific success, 0 on failure or cellmin for specific failure. Please, check the wiki for more specific informations.

Actual version: v5.0.3



Can not be redefined

  • MULTIPLE_TARGET_FOUND: Returned by GetNearestActorForPlayer or GetNearestActorByCoord when multiple actors are found and when return_multiple_target is set to true
  • DEFAULT_ACTOR_VALUE: Using this one instead of any other value result taking the value from the actor
  • DEFAULT_CHECKING_TIME: Used to detect OnPlayerTargetActor
  • DEFAULT_ACTOR_REPLACEMENT: Time before an actor is being re-placed at his old position.
  • AP_DEBUG_ENABLED: If some debugs printed messages are needed
  • MAX_ANIMATION_LIBRARY_LENGTH: Maximum animation library length name
  • MAX_ANIMATION_NAME_LENGTH: Maximum animation length name
  • DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER: Set to true if streamer is included otherwise, it set to false

Can be redefined

  • DEFAULT_ACTOR_DRAW_DISTANCE: Distance that label is displayed | (type: float - value: 13.0)
  • MAX_ACTOR_LABEL_LENGTH: Max length for a text in a label | (type: integer - value: 60)
  • DEFAULT_ACTOR_COLOR: Default actor color text | (type: hexadecimal - value: 0xFFFFFFFF)
  • DEFAULT_ACTOR_COLOR_NAME: Default actor color name | (type: hexadecimal - value: 0x6699FFFF)
  • DONT_DETECT_OPTA: You can define it before the include to deactivated OnPlayerTargetActor detection (which using timer) | (type: N/A)
  • DEFAULT_TEXT_RANGE_DETECTION: This allows you to change the distance at which the actor (for OnPlayerTextNearActor only) is detected | (type: float - value: 3.0)

Force disabling include

You can force disabling include by using these constants:


General functions

native RespawnActor(actorid, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native SetActorSkin(actorid, skinid, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native IsActorDead(actorid, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native GetActorSkin(actorid, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native ActorPlaySound(actorid, soundid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:max_range, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);

native SetActorName(actorid, actor_name[], bool:display, color = DEFAULT_ACTOR_COLOR_NAME, bool:contain_id = false, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native RemoveActorName(actorid, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native GetActorName(actorid, actor_name[], length = sizeof(actor_name), bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native ToggleActorName(actorid, bool:toggle, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native SetActorNameColor(actorid, color, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native GetActorLabelColor(actorid, bool:ToRGB = false, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER); // output -> RGBA

native GetActorTextLabel(actorid, text[], length = sizeof(text), bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native GetActorNameColor(actorid, bool:ToRGB = false, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER); // output -> RGBA
native SetActorLabelColor(actorid, color, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native ActorHasAttachedLabel(actorid, &bool:name_displayed = false, &bool:text_displayed = false, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native UpdateAttachedActor3DTextLabel(actorid, const text[], color, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native DestroyActor3DTextLabel(actorid, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);

native SetActorChatBubble(actorid, text[], color, Float:drawdistance, expiretime, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);

Functions - Streamer dependency

native Attach3DTextLabelToActor(actorid, const text[], bool:isdynamic, color, Float:OffsetX, Float:OffsetY, Float:OffsetZ, Float:drawdistance, testlos = 0, worldid = DEFAULT_ACTOR_VALUE, interiorid = DEFAULT_ACTOR_VALUE, playerid = DEFAULT_ACTOR_VALUE, Float:streamdistance = STREAMER_3D_TEXT_LABEL_SD, areaid = DEFAULT_ACTOR_VALUE, priority = 0, bool:store_string = true);

// Used to get the real internal actor id used by SA-MP
native GetInternalActorIDForPlayer(forplayerid, actorid);

// In addition to the streamer
native GetDynamicActorInterior(actorid);
native SetDynamicActorInterior(actorid, interiorid);
native DestroyAllDynamicActors(serverwide);
native CountDynamicActors(serverwide);
native UpdateDynamicActorForPlayer(playerid);
native CountStreamedActorForPlayer(playerid, serverwide);
native STREAMER_TAG_AREA:GetDynamicActorArea(actorid);
native SetDynamicActorArea(actorid, STREAMER_TAG_AREA:areaid);
native GetDynamicActorPriority(actorid);
native SetDynamicActorPriority(actorid, priority);
native GetInternalActorIdForPlayer(forplayerid, actorid);

Functions - Non-Streamer dependency

native Attach3DTextLabelToActor(actorid, text[], color, Float:OffsetX, Float:OffsetY, Float:OffsetZ, Float:drawdistance, virtualworld = DEFAULT_ACTOR_VALUE, testlos = 0, bool:store_string = true);
native SetActorInvulnerable(actorid, invulnerable = true); // Force actor re-stream
native SetActorVirtualWorld(actorid, vworld); // Force actor re-stream
native SetActorFacingAngle(actorid, Float:ang); // Force actor re-stream
native CountStaticActors();

Useful functions (none include needed)

native GetNearestActorForPlayer(playerid, &bool:isdynamic = false, type = SEARCH_TYPE_ALL, bool:return_multiple_target = false);
native GetNearestActorByCoord(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, &bool:isdynamic = false, type = SEARCH_TYPE_ALL, bool:return_multiple_target = false, Float:max_range = INVALID_RANGE_ID);
native Float:GetActorDistanceFromPoint(actorid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native IsPlayerInRangeOfActor(playerid, actorid, Float:range = 2.0, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native IsPlayerAimingActor(playerid, actorid, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native IsActorInPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, actorid, Float:max_angle = 90.0, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);

native GetActorSpawnInfo(actorid, &skinid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY, &Float:fZ, &Float:fAngle, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native GetActorAnimationName(actorid, animlib[], size_animlib = sizeof(animlib), animname[], size_animname = sizeof(animname)); // Static actors only
native GetActorAnimation(actorid, animlib[], size_animlib = sizeof(animlib), animname[], size_animname = sizeof(animname), &Float:fDelta, &loop, &lockx, &locky, &freeze, &time); // Static actors only
native ToggleActorAnimationLoop(actorid, bool:toggle); // Static actors only
native bool:IsActorPlayingAnimation(actorid, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);

native CountAllActors();

Type of research:

  • SEARCH_TYPE_DYNAMIC: Search only for dynamics actors
  • SEARCH_TYPE_STATIC: Search only for statics actors
  • SEARCH_TYPE_ALL: Search for dynamics and statics actors

Per-players functions (Pawn RakNet dependency)

native HideActorForPlayer(forplayerid, actorid, hide_type, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native BringBackActorForPlayer(forplayerid, actorid, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native SetActorHideTypeForPlayer(forplayerid, actorid, hide_type, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native RemoveAllHiddenActorForPlayer(playerid);

native ApplyActorAnimationForPlayer(forplayerid, actorid, repeated_animation, animlib[], animname[], Float:fDelta, loop, lockx, locky, freeze, time, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native ClearActorAnimationsForPlayer(forplayerid, actorid, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);

native SetActorPosForPlayer(forplayerid, actorid, fake_position_type, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);
native BringBackActorPosForPlayer(forplayerid, actorid, bool:isdynamic = DEFAULT_IS_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER);

Actor Flags

Hide type

  • HIDE_TYPE_NONE: Default value
  • HIDE_TYPE_ONE_TIME: The actor will be hidden one time and reappear when it be streamed
  • HIDE_TYPE_PERMANENT: The actor will be hidden until the script make it come back even if the player re-stream the actor

Repeated animation type

  • ANIMATION_PLAY_NONE: Default value
  • ANIMATION_PLAY_ONE_TIME: The actor will play an animation one time and stop it when it be streamed even if the animation is looped
  • ANIMATION_PLAY_PERMANENT: The actor will permently play the same animation. Restream the actor doesn't stop the process

Per players positions type

  • FAKE_POSITION_NONE: Default value
  • FAKE_POSITION_ONE_TIME: The actor will be placed, one time, at the specified coordinates. Re-stream the actor will place him at server sided coordinates
  • FAKE_POSITION_PERMANENT: The actor will be placed at specified coordinates. Re-stream it won't change anything the coordinates.


forward OnPlayerShotActor(playerid, actorid, weaponid, bool:IsDynamicActor);
forward OnPlayerTargetActor(playerid, actorid, weaponid);
forward OnPlayerStopTargetActor(playerid, actorid, weaponid);
forward OnPlayerMakeDamageToActor(playerid, damaged_actorid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart, bool:death, bool:IsDynamicActor);
forward OnActorDeath(actorid, killerid, reason, bool:IsDynamicActor);
forward OnActorSpawn(actorid, bool:IsDynamicActor);
forward OnPlayerStreamForActor(forplayerid, actorid, actor_flags, bool:IsDynamicActor); // Pawn RakNet dependency
forward OnActorVirtualWorldChange(actorid, oldvw, newvw, bool:IsDynamicActor);
forward OnPlayerTextNearActor(playerid, actorid, text[], bool:IsDynamicActor);
forward OnDynamicActorInteriorChange(actorid, oldinterior, newinteriorid);


  • OnPlayerShotActor: Called when a player shot an actor even if the actor is invulnerable
  • OnPlayerTargetActor: Called when a player aim an actor.
  • OnPlayerStopTargetActor: Called when a player stop aiming an actor.
  • OnPlayerMakeDamageToActor: Called when a player damage an actor with a firearm. bool:death is set to true when the actor will die after processing damage. Returning 0 to this call prevent applying damage to the actor.
  • OnActorDeath: Called when a actor die. Set actor's HP to 0 trigger this callback too.
  • OnActorSpawn: Called when a player spawn (is created).
  • OnPlayerStreamForActor: Called when a player stream IN an actor even if the actor is hidden for the player. Important: actor_flags should be used with different flags type defined below
  • OnActorVirtualWorldChange: Called when a virtualworld is set to an actor
  • OnPlayerTextNearActor: Called when a player chat near an actor
  • OnDynamicActorInteriorChange: Called when an interior is set to a dynamic actor

HUGE thank you to Jelly23 for his precious help and time to help me by answering hundred and hundred of my questions about PawnRakNet and other stuffs. Thanks also to Y_Less for fixing issues about hooking callbacks.