Customized Pedestrians Road Crossing Simulator (PCS)

This is a open-source simulator to simulate the progress of pedestrians' crossing street via crosswalks. It calculates how long a group of pedestrians needs to cross the street, which can be used for future research.


If you find any part of this repo helps your work, or your use any part of this repo, please cite our paper, which is a huge support for our research work.


Please note this open-source repo uses GNU General Public License v3.0.


Please check this folder for all source code and documents about all simulator: DayuanTanPCS

It includes:

  • How to run
    • Use backend API only:
    • Use GUI only:


Please check this folder for all source code and documents about our experiments introduced in our paper: PCS_experiments

It includes:

  • Raw data
  • PCS Validation using crosswalks data
  • TLCS+PCS experiments using intersection data