Simple To-Do List with jQuery (Learning Project)

This is a basic to-do list application built with jQuery to showcase my understanding of DOM manipulation and event handling.


Users can add new tasks by entering text and pressing Enter in the input field.
Clicking a task toggles a "completed" class for visual differentiation (styling required in your CSS).
Clicking the "X" icon next to a task removes it with a fade-out animation.

Technical Highlights:

Event Delegation: Uses event delegation on the parent <ul> element for efficient handling of click events on dynamically added <li> and <span> elements.
DOM Manipulation: Creates new <li> elements with text and "X" icon for deletion using jQuery methods.
User Interaction: Responds to user input (clicks and Enter key press) to manage tasks.

This project demonstrates my ability to:

Work with a JavaScript library (jQuery) for DOM manipulation.
Implement basic event handling for user interaction.
Understand the concept of event delegation for efficient event management.
Build a small, interactive application.

Further Development:

Persistence: Store tasks using Local Storage to survive page refreshes.
Enhancements: Add features like task editing, priority levels, or drag-and-drop reordering.

Note: This is a basic project focused on learning core concepts. Styling and advanced functionalities can be further implemented.