
Firefox Decrypt is a tool to extract passwords from Firefox profiles

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Firefox Decrypt is a tool to extract passwords from Firefox/Thunderbird profiles.

It can be used to recover passwords from a profile protected by a Master Password as long as the latter is known. If a profile is not protected by a Master Password, a password will still be requested but can be left blank.

This tool does not try to crack or brute-force the Master Password in any way. If the Master Password is not known it will simply fail to recover any data.

This script is written in Python and is compatible with versions 2.7+ and 3.4+.

Additionally it requires access to libnss3 which is part of Firefox and Thunderbird, although depending on system configuration, the script may fail to locate it there.

Alternatively you can install libnss3 (Debian/Ubuntu) or nss (Arch/Gentoo/...). libnss3 is part of http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/


Simply run:

python firefox_decrypt.py

and it will prompt for which profile to use and the master password of that profile.

If you don't keep your Firefox profiles on a standard folder you can call the script with:

python firefox_decrypt.py /folder/containing/profiles.ini/

If you don't want to display all passwords on screen you can use:

python firefox_decrypt.py | grep -C2 keyword

where keyword is part of the expected output (URL, username, email, password ...)

Since version 0.4 it is now also possible to export stored passwords to pass from http://passwordstore.org . To do so use:

python firefox_decrypt.py --export-pass

and all existing passwords will be exported after the pattern web/<address>[:<port>] unless multiple credentials exist for the same website in which case /<login> is appended.

There is currently no way of selectively exporting passwords. Exporting overwrites existing passwords without warning. Make sure you have a backup or are using the pass git functionality.

There also is an non-interactive mode available, firefox_decrypt.py then never will ask for any interaction like profile choice or master password. Use it with -n/--no-interactive. Tell your profile choice by -c/--choice N where N is the number of the profile you wish to decrypt (starting from 1). You can list all available profiles with -l/--list (to stdout). Your master password is read from stdin.

$ python firefox_decrypt.py --list
1 -> l1u1xh65.default
2 -> vuhdnx5b.YouTube
3 -> 1d8vcool.newdefault
4 -> ekof2ces.SEdu
5 -> 8a52xmtt.Fresh

$ read -sp "Master Password: " PASSWORD
Master Password:

$ echo $PASSWORD | python firefox_decrypt.py --no-interactive --choice 4
Website:   https://login.example.com
Username: 'john.doe'
Password: '1n53cur3'

Website:   https://example.org
Username: 'max.mustermann'
Password: 'Passwort1234'

Website:   https://github.com
Username: 'octocat'
Password: 'qJZo6FduRcHw'


$ echo $PASSWORD | python firefox_decrypt.py -nc 1
Website:   https://git-scm.com
Username: 'foo'
Password: 'bar'

Website:   https://gitlab.com
Username: 'whatdoesthefoxsay'
Password: 'w00fw00f'


$ # Unset Password


If you wish to run the testsuite locally chdir into tests/ and run ./run_all

If any test fails on your system please ensure libnss is installed.

If afterwards tests still fail, re-run with ./run_all -v and file a bug report including this output. Please include some information about your system, including linux distribution, and version of libnss/firefox.

It is much appreciated.

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