
ethereum web3 provider of D'CENT Biometric Wallet wrapping dcent-web-connector

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This package is ethereum web3 provider of D'CENT Biometric Wallet. It is the wrapping package communicating with dcent-web-connector. Since dcent-web-connector can be used only on desktop environment via USB interface, this package only for desktop environment.



npm i dcent-provider


Create provider and use directly

import DcentProvider from 'dcent-provider'

const provider = new DcentProvider({
    rpcUrl: "YOUR_RPC_URL",   // required
    chainId: 1, // (optional) default = 1

const account = await provider.enable()
const tx = {
    from: account[0],
    gasPrice: "2000000000",
    gas: "21000",
    to: account[0],
    value: "0",
    data: ""
const receipt = await provider.send('eth_sendTransaction', tx)

Set provider on web3js

import Web3 from 'web3'
import DcentProvider from 'dcent-provider'

const provider = new DcentProvider({
    rpcUrl: "YOUR_RPC_URL",   // required
    chainId: 1, // (optional) default = 1

const web3 = new Web3(provider)
const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
const tx = {
    from: accounts[0],
    gasPrice: "2000000000",
    gas: "21000",
    to: account[0],
    value: "0",
    data: ""
const receipt = await web3.eth.sendTransaction(tx)


Check example package

Build & Test

build for production

npm run build

build for development

npm run build-dev


npm run test