
Temporary repo for CQG

Primary LanguagePython

For run project checkout to the main branch and run:

  • python main.py rules.cfg text.txt

P.s. you can choose different filenames but:
First arg must be cfg file and ends with ".cfg"
Second one sample text file and ends with ".txt"

All tests in branch tests_add For launch them just use one of commands below:

  • pytest
  • pytest -v

(important!) Before run tests install all requirements to your venv by command below:

  • pip install -r req.txt


Get a list of pairs from a configuration file (sample configuration file is provided below), and replace value1 by value2 for all matches in a given text file (sample text file is provided below). All values in configuration file are unique; no need to take care of preventing change of already changed value. Names of both files are passed as command line arguments. Sort changed lines by the total number of symbols replaced, starting from the most changed line. Output resulting text to console.

Sample configuration file:


Sample text file:
