React HTML-dialog

This library allows you to easily use the HTML <dialog> in your react applications. Uses are similar to most Modal/Dialog libraries except this uses the native <dialog> element.


You can install react-html-dialog via npm or yarn:

npm install react-html-dialog


yarn add react-html-dialog

How to use

To use the component in your code, you can import the code in your app like this

import Dialog from "react-html-dialog";

Then you render the component with the dialog content as the children.

<Dialog open={false} handleClose={closeHandler}>
  <h2>Dialog Title</h2>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A quasi natus quas
    dolore alias optio tenetur perferendis, cupiditate animi ex, omnis quibusdam
    non est, ullam saepe doloremque aperiam quia. Recusandae.
  <button>Close Modal</button>

The component has two required props open and handleClose.

open: A boolean indicating whether the dialog is open or closed.

handleClose: A callback function to handle closing the dialog.

closeOnClickAway: An optional prop to close the dialog when clicking outside it

This library also provides you with some hooks you might love to use with the Dialog

import Dialog from "react-html-dialog";
import { useDialogControls } from "react-html-dialog/hooks";

function App() {
  const { open, openDialog, closeDialog } = useDialogControls();

  return (
      <button onClick={openDialog}>Open</button>
      <Dialog open={open} handleClose={closeDialog}>
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A quasi
          natus quas dolore alias optio tenetur perferendis, cupiditate animi
          ex, omnis quibusdam non est, ullam saepe doloremque aperiam quia.
        <button onClick={closeDialog}>Close Modal</button>

It's not required to use the hooks from the package but if you find it helpful, why not.


Adding styles to the Dialog component is as easy as adding styles to the <dialog> element.

  • Style the backdrop with dialog::backdrop selector
  • You can style the dialog and the div element inside to add styles to the modal
  • All styling solutions are allowed

See usage example on codesandbox

API Documentation

Props for the Dialog Component

Props Description
open A boolean indicating whether the dialog is open or closed
ref A forwarded ref to the <dialog> element
contentRef A forwarded ref to the dialog content (<div> element inside the dialog)
className ClassName for the <dialog> element
contentClassName ClassName for the dialog content (<div> element inside the dialog)
handleClose A callback function to handle closing the dialog
closeOnClickAway Prop to close the dialog when clicking outside it

Available Hooks


Return Values Description
open A boolean indicating whether the dialog is open or closed
openDialog A function for setting the open boolean to true
closeDialog A function for setting the open boolean to false

Why react-html-dialog?

  • Utilizes the native HTML <dialog> element for lightweight, accessible modals.
  • Offers flexibility in handling dialog states and behavior with the useDialogControls hook.
  • Seamlessly integrates into React applications without additional dependencies.


We welcome contributions! Feel free to submit bug fixes, suggestions, or feature enhancements through issues and pull requests.