
Starter pack for running telegram bot on the Heroku using Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Starter pack for running telegram bot on the Heroku using Node.js


Try bot locally

  1. Create your own bot using Telegram's BotFather and grab your TOKEN.
  2. Clone or download and unpack this repo.
  3. Go to the app's folder using cd ~/heroku-node-telegram-bot
  4. Run npm install (in some cases you will need to run this with sudo, you know, just the permissions).
  5. Rename .env_example file into .env and set TOKEN to the value, you've got from the BotFather.
  6. Run npm run set_env (or npm run set_env_win for Windows OS) to set the environment variables from the .env file.
  7. Run npm start (or npm run start_win for Windows OS) and send smth to your bot.
  8. After it says "hello" to you, open your first bottle of beer 🍺

Feel your awesomeness? 😎

Deploy your bot to the heroku

  1. Create the Heroku account and install the Heroku Toolbelt.
  2. Login to your Heroku account using heroku login.
  3. Go to the app's folder using cd ~/heroku-node-telegram-bot
  4. Run heroku create to prepare the Heroku environment.
  5. Run heroku config:set TOKEN=SET HERE THE TOKEN YOU'VE GOT FROM THE BOTFATHER and heroku config:set HEROKU_URL=$(heroku info -s | grep web_url | cut -d= -f2) to configure environment variables on the server.
  6. Run git add -A && git commit -m "Ready to run on heroku" && git push heroku master to deploy your bot to the Heroku server.
  7. Send smth to the bot to check out if it works ok.
  8. Now you r twice awesome, open the second bottle of beer 🍺

Going further

Now when you r a bit drunk, you may wish to add other functionality to your bot and here you can face some problems. The reason is that in development mode your bot works using polling and on the heroku server it uses the webhook, because heroku will shut down the web-server after a period of inactivity that will result in your polling loop to shut down too. Once webhook was enabled, telegram will return an error {"ok":false,"error_code":409,"description":"Error: Conflict: another webhook is active"} when you will try to use polling again, and it's actually ok.

To go back to development mode, you will need to run npm run switch_to_dev. This script will disable current webhook and start your local server. Don't be afraid - when you will finish with the changes you may simply push your bot to heroku using git push heroku master. Then you should restart your app using heroku restart. It will set the webhook again.

Possible OS issues

As i work on MacOS and sometimes on Ubuntu, you may face some problems with my npm scripts, so let's figure out how they work.

  1. npm run set_env runs export $(cat .env | xargs) which actually set key-value pairs from the .env file to the environment.
  2. npm run switch_to_dev runs export $(cat .env | xargs) && wget --spider https://api.telegram.org/bot$TOKEN/setWebhook?url= --delete-after && node index.js which is actually npm run set_env + API call which will reset webhook + npm start. If wget don't work (or is not installed) on your OS, you can simply open the https://api.telegram.org/botYOUR_TOKEN/setWebhook?url= in your browser, but don't forget to replace YOUR_TOKEN with the token, you've got from the BotFather.
  3. When using Windows also rename env_example.cmd to env.cmd and use commands npm run set_env_win and npm run start_win

If your bot is not responding locally, in most cases, you will need to reset the environment variables running npm run set_env.

Links and references

Actually, this repo is created because I've faced problems when I was trying to run the bot using mvalipour's article and this PR to his repo. Still, theese links will be very usefull for the beginners.

The solution relies on the node-telegram-bot-api wrapper by the @yagop, so you can find more info there.

Also check out official API docs by Telegram team, it may be helpfull.

Good luck, BotCoder!

P.S. If you see that something is not working, please, open an issue or send me a PR if you've managed to make code better.

Created with great passion for bots. In case of any bot development propositions, contact me here.