Please support the on-going development of the site via GoFundMe. Thank you!
Same great data (from David Johnson) with some front end tweaks (by Derek Braid).
- charting
- sharing links to filtered tables
- custom URLs to pre-load tables
For local development run the following two commands in distinct terminals (MacOSX):
start server
php -S localhost:3000
start chrome with
flag to avoid CORS blocking. Copy and Paste:/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --disable-web-security
(else CORS blocking API call)
- install this [chrome extension][1] to allow CORS: [1][]
fix header so that it works on small screens
move loading spinner on goalies and skaters to header
add image preview for shares (twitter card)
when table is filtered, the chart should only display the data contained in the chart
create route for charts
- display basic chart like wins, goals for, goals against.
- generalize chart drawing to accept any facet/type of action
- ie. ['goals', 'shots', 'corsi', 'fenwick', 'zones']
add charts to skater
style pagination buttons on skater
function into service. Code: -
limit size of JSON payloads by increasing the # of endpoints
- Skaters: breakdown based on type: ['goals', 'shots', 'corsi', 'fenwick', 'zones'], see full list here.
(DONE!) fix filters and orderby for ng-repeated tables (non-hard coded: teams vs. HC goalies)
(DONE!) Add export to .csv funcitonality to tables (must honour filters)
(DONE!) Need a share function that has customized params in the URL.
- tweet api for 1-click tweets
- button for copy/paste of url (DONE!)
(DONE!)what is diff b/w metrics and filter defaults?
- need to break this out and make them identical?
- route params should be the same as the filter boxes (any exceptions?)
- compile a list of endpoints (urls like ) and assign to their respective section in MainAppConstants (to re-use the new app.getData.service.js )