This application allows you to create an account to keep track of your fitness goals. You are able to track your food, sleep quality, and workout sessions. Your information is safe, only user authenticated requests are able to access this information.
A FullStack Web Application that utlizes React as the templating language for the front end. The backend is compirsed of Node.js, MongoDB, Express, Bcrypt.js (password hashing) and other npm modules. Utilizing MVC architecture to ensure this application was not only performing well but also being able to debug and add features.
For this application I would optimize it by allowing image and video uploads specifically for the workout section. The app would need to accept image and video file type uploads, while also adding a feature that allows you to play the video.
This application put the bulk of the concepts I learned into practice. Using MVC architecture to split up the code relating to the front-end, back-end and database was a huge advantage! Additionally, I was able to use Bcrypt.js to ensure password hashing in case there's ever a breach in the database. User authentication requires users to be logged in to access their journal. I am looking forward to building more passion projects in the near future!