
post mortem tracker

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morgue Build Status

a safe place for all your postmortem data


This is a PHP based web application to help manage your postmortems. It has a pluggable feature system and can pull in related information from IRC and JIRA as well as storing relevant links and graphs. This talk from DevOpsDays NYC 2013 gives an introduction and shows some of its features.

Morgue tour

Index page

Morgue index page

Creating a new post mortem

Creating a new Post Mortem

Live edit page

Editing a Post Mortem

Timeline of events

Remediations items

History tracking



  • PHP 5.3 or higher
  • MySQL 5.5 or higher
  • Apache
  • mod_rewrite


This is a basic example for an Apache vhost. The MORGUE_ENVIRONMENT variable is used to determine which config file to use.

    <VirtualHost *:80>
      ServerName   morgue.hostname.com

      DocumentRoot /var/www/morgue

      <Directory /var/www/morgue>
        AllowOverride All

      SetEnv MORGUE_ENVIRONMENT development

      php_value include_path ".:/usr/share/pear:./features"

Restart apache and hit the servername you defined above.


Create a database named morgue and give access to the morgue user with the morgue password for the dev environment (defined in config/development.json):

CREATE USER 'morgue'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'morgue';
GRANT ALL ON morgue.* TO 'morgue'@'localhost';

Then add the schema to the database:

mysql -p -u morgue -h localhost morgue < schemas/postmortems.sql

Note : add any additional schemas you may use:

mysql -p -u morgue -h localhost morgue < schemas/images.sql
mysql -p -u morgue -h localhost morgue < schemas/jira.sql
mysql -p -u morgue -h localhost morgue < schemas/links.sql
mysql -p -u morgue -h localhost morgue < schemas/irc.sql

Start a development server

Using PHP built-in webserver it is possible to start quickly view what morgue does with the following command

MORGUE_ENVIRONMENT=development php -d include_path=".:./features" -S localhost:8000

Open http://localhost:8000 to view Morgue


JIRA feature

baseurl the base URL to your jira installation (use https if you are using a secured JIRA installation) username username for a user with viewing credentials password password for a user with viewing credentials additional_fields mapping of fields to display in morgue (other than key, summay, assignee, status)

    {   "name": "jira",
        "enabled": "on",
        "baseurl": "https://jira.foo.com",
        "username": "jira_morgue",
        "password": "jira_morgue",
        "additional_fields" : {
            "Due Date" : "duedate",
            "Some Custom Field" : "customfield_1234"


You can run the unit test suite with:

make unittests


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Hack away
  3. Add tests so we don't accidentally break something in the future
  4. Push the branch up to GitHub (bonus points for topic branches)
  5. Send a pull request to the etsy/morgue project.


When I visit a detail event page, I just see a "loooool"

You may have created your schemas before the pull request 19 which introduced breaking schema changes. Simply run the migration command to update your schemas:

    alter table postmortems change etsystatustime statustime int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL;