
Some private work to create a BOSE SoundTouch alarm & timer. Now also with complete interface to control your devices from the web

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Some private work to create a web-app that can communicate with 433 MHz devices and the Bose SoundTouch speakers.

  • app.js is the main backend and is handling communication to 433 MHz devices and frontend and DB related actions
  • wecker.js is the backend for most SoundTouch related actions such as setting an alarm and sleeptimers


  • Added a BOSE SoundTouch Alarm system, as these devices are not able to do that themselves.
  • Added Device discovery via MDNS
  • Added a sleeptimer system for the BOSE SoundTouch devices
  • Added some responsive features to make the app work with most iOS devices


Music page

Alarms page

Install instructions

Prepare the Raspberry PI

  • Install some OS to the SD Card like Raspian
  • Setup network access and create a fixed IP
  • Connect to the Pi via SSH with ssh pi@<IP> (pw: raspberry)
  • Now use sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade to update the PI

Install NodeJS & NPM

  • Download the latest NodeJS file with wget http://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v4.x/node-v4.4.0-linux-armv7l.tar.gz (It depends on your Raspberry PI if you need a version for ARM6, ARM7 or ARM8)
  • Unpack the file with tar -xvf node-v4.4.0-linux-armv7l.tar.gz
  • Change to the directory with cd node-v4.4.0-linux-armv7l
  • Copy the files to "/usr/local" with sudo cp -R * /usr/local/
  • Check the version & installation of NodeJS with node -v, for me it`s "v4.4.5"
  • Check the version & installation of NPM with npm -v, for me it`s "2.15.5"

Install CouchDB

  • Use the command sudo apt-get install couchdb to install CouchDB 1.4 on the Raspberry Pi (this version is quite old, but enough for our purpose)
  • Check the version & installation of CouchDB with couchdb -V
  • Try to start CouchDB with sudo couchdb, it should say something like "Apache CouchDB is running as process , time to relax."
  • If not present anyway, install "curl" on on the Raspberry PI with sudo apt-get install curl
  • Try to access CouchDB with curl on the PI via: curl -X GET, you should get a response like: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"10b710bc5d2fa2ed078edc29c30ca4c6","version":"1.4.0","vendor":{"version":"1.4.0","name":"The Apache Software Foundation"}}
  • CouchDB should now be working on your local machine
  • ADDITIONAL: If you like to be able to access your database from outside the PI (e.g. dev/test on local machine), use the following steps:
    • Use sudo nano /etc/couchdb/default.ini and change [httpd] port = 5984 bind_address = to bind_address =
    • Restart CouchDB via /etc/init.d/couchdb restart, it should say something like [ ok ] Restarting couchdb (via systemctl): couchdb.service.
    • Try netstat -an | grep 5984, it should say tcp 0 0* LISTEN, instead of tcp 0 0* LISTEN
    • Now try to access the database on your Rascurl -xpberry PI from a local machine with curl -X GET http://<PI-IP>:5984

Install needed Libraries

  • To use the MSDN discovery you need the Package "Development headers for the Avahi Apple Bonjour compatibility library", use sudo apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev

Download Git & Forever

  • Use sudo apt-get install git to install Git on the Raspberry Pi
  • Use sudo npm install forever -g to install Forever (https://github.com/foreverjs/forever) on the Raspberry Pi (Keeps scripts running)

Clone this Repo & Install

  • Use git clone https://github.com/DeMoehn/RaPi-Smarthome.git to clone this Git to your Raspberry Pi
  • Change to the repo directory with cd RaPi-Smarthome
  • Use sudo npm install to install all needed packages
  • Try node app.js and check if the application is running
  • Try node wecker.js and check if the timer app is running

Prepare CouchDB

  • Go to the file config.json and look for "couchDB" and then "ip": ""," on line 4
  • Change ip": "" to your couchDB IP address
  • In the "RaPi-Smarthome" Folder, use sudo chmod +x ./dbsetup/dbsetup.sh to make the file executable
  • Run ./dbsetup/dbsetup.sh and follow the installation process

Use Crontab & Forever

  • To make the scrips start on reboot I use crontab, to be sure they're restart when crashing I use forever
  • Move the files alarm-starter.sh and app-starter.sh from the Folder startup-scripts to your root folder (where RaPi-Smarthome is located)
  • Make sure the scripts alarm-starter.shandapp-starter.share executable (otherwise usesudo chmod +x alarm-starter.sh&sudo chmod +x app-starter.sh`)
  • Use crontab -e
  • Now add the lines @reboot /home/pi/app-starter.sh & and @reboot /home/pi/alarm-starter.sh &
  • Now reboot your Raspberry Pi and see if everything works (use: sudo reboot -n)

How to use it

  • Now use the IP of your Raspberry Pi and Port 3000 to visit the website
  • http://:3000