- 3
Threw the following error: Error: Cannot find module 'parcel-bundler\src\utils\config'
#97 opened by AltusJVR - 0
Is it possible to add in plugin imagemin ability to transfrom images to .webP
#96 opened by Ihornechypor - 5
Require issue after install
#94 opened by shail - 23
Does the parcel-plugin-imagemin work?
#89 opened by juliana-samoilenko - 2
- 1
- 1
minimize images from static folder
#92 opened by spooky - 3
Parcel v2 / Transformer version
#61 opened by mkg20001 - 4
Doesn't work with glob requires?
#90 opened by pyrossh - 7
option: skip-if-larger
#84 opened by Ihornechypor - 5
Plugin generate js files
#63 opened by duskohu - 4
mozjpeg install fails
#3 opened by windware-ono - 4
- 17
Getting build error after installing
#26 opened by boonier - 10
Image buffer is undefined
#28 opened by fr3fou - 6
Adds a .js file for each image
#31 opened by leifniem - 2
Adding plugin causes glob import to break
#29 opened by butlersrepos - 4
- 1
Can you join convert image to base64
#24 opened by xhonker - 1
- 2
Animated webp support
#23 opened by SnO2WMaN - 2
bundler.addAssetType alternatives
#22 opened by bre7 - 2
Issues with non-asset images
#18 opened by bre7 - 2
Additional configuration options
#14 opened by bre7 - 3
Asset size of minified images are reported in build stats as 0 B during build
#13 opened by adamduren - 3
Not optimizing the images
#11 opened by victormoretti - 2
The picture will appear undefined
#9 opened by QAQLiuCong - 2
`asset.package` is deprecated. Please use `await asset.getPackage()` instead.
#10 opened by BenzLeung - 2
- 5
#2 opened by windware-ono - 2
- 1
- 2
Take advantage of caching
#5 opened by lbguilherme - 2
- 1
getConfig is undefined
#1 opened by DeMoorJasper