- 3
Update to Svelte 4
#173 opened by LarsHadidi - 30
- 1
Publish 4.0.8 as latest on NPM
#168 opened by XAMPPRocky - 5
- 6
This plugin doesn't work since Svelte 3.29.5
#153 opened by Milesq - 1
App_svelte_1.default is not a constructor
#159 opened by ta3pks - 1
CSS Compiler Option Can Never Be Set to `true`
#158 opened by bdoms - 2
Minimal example does not work
#155 opened by AxelRHD - 1
- 16
Problem with static files path
#95 opened by arxanter - 6
Support for Parcel v2?
#142 opened by rondonjon - 0
- 4
Parcel/Svelte: styles are duplicated
#138 opened by jsonkao - 0
Resolve tilde paths
#146 opened by cupcakearmy - 2
- 3
HMR - Component Duplicated on Reload
#137 opened by pfazzino - 0
- 2
- 4
- 6
I was noticing huge bundle sizes for my app until I used --experimental-scope-hoisting
#131 opened by longrunningprocess - 1
External deps resolution fails
#100 opened by codechips - 0
Not reading built in node modules example (fs)
#120 opened by mylastore - 3
- 13
changes required to use
#103 opened by mvolkmann - 3
- 3
How to apply scss...?
#93 opened by hmmhmmhm - 1
Broken link on
#89 opened by kokizzu - 2
- 1
Remove support of svelte preprocessor settings
#86 opened by samuelgozi - 3
When calling onMount, afterUpdate, etc. receiving "Uncaught Error: Function called outside component initialization"
#46 opened by NEO97online - 8
- 7
- 1
Broken hot reload when using workaround for #44
#49 opened by zastrowm - 1
Parcel cache
#47 opened by dmitry-kurmanov - 3
svelte-3-example doesn't work
#45 opened by trafnar - 5
Unrecognized option 'store'
#42 opened by yashsway - 1
Can't define config
#32 opened by RedHatter - 1
Doesn't work with global parcel install
#41 opened by jwhazel - 5
Svelte v3 support
#36 opened by antony - 4
Unable to get working with latest versions
#34 opened by stolinski - 5
HMR causes component styles to disappear
#30 opened by antony - 3
- 1
Path issues on windows
#25 opened by tivac - 2
Cannot resolve dependency
#24 opened by RedHatter - 0
Cannot find module './lib/index' (npm package)
#18 opened by 0x13R - 14
Doesn't seem to work any more
#15 opened by antony - 3
Don't depend on svelte
#13 opened by antony - 6
Compile issue
#12 opened by 0x13R - 6
Svelte files are not watched
#10 opened by antony - 0
Add sourcemaps
#8 opened by DeMoorJasper