
A natural language processing toolkit using state-of-the-art deep learning models.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Apache 2.0 natural language processing toolkit using state-of-the-art deep learning models.

Setting up a development environment

DeepQA is built using Python 3. The easiest way to set up a compatible environment is to use Conda. This will set up a virtual environment with the exact version of Python used for development along with all the dependencies needed to run DeepQA.

  1. Download and install Conda.

  2. Create a Conda environment with Python 3.

    conda create -n allennlp python=3.5
  3. Now activate the Conda environment.

    source activate allennlp
  4. Install the required dependencies.

  5. Visit http://pytorch.org/ and install the relevant pytorch package.

  6. Set the PYTHONHASHSEED for repeatable experiments.

    export PYTHONHASHSEED=2157

You should now be able to test your installation with pytest -v. Congratulations!

Setting up a Kubernetes development environment

  1. Follow the instructions for installing and setting up Kubernetes.

  2. Fill in the yaml file. You need to add:

    • The name of the job, under the metadata: heading.
    • The namespace you wish to run in under the metadata: heading. To see which namespaces are available, run kubectl get ns .
    • Your contact name (first bit of your email) under labels.contact:.
  3. Run kubectl create -f /path/to/kubernetes-dev-machine.yaml. This creates your job on the cluster.

  4. Retrieve the name of the pod created to run your job using kubectl get pods --namespace <NAMESPACE>. This will be the name you provided for your job above, plus some random characters.

  5. Get a shell inside the container using kubectl exec -it <PODNAME> --container dev-environment -- /bin/bash

  6. When you are done, don't forget to kill your job using kubectl delete -f /path/to/kubernetes-dev-machine.yaml