
DEPAY/ETH liquidity staking smart contract

Primary LanguageSolidity



Quick Start

yarn install
yarn test


This contract enables liquidityToken staking and rewards stakers with the underlying reserve token which needs to be stored in the contract before initialization.

From startTime to closeTime people can stake liquidityToken of the reserve token to earn rewardAmounts as configured with percentageYield calculated with the reserve amount the moment the liquidityToken is staked.

Once releaseTime is reached every staker can unstake their locked liquidityToken which is automatically unstaked together with the rewards the moment you unstake.

unstakeEarly is implemented to potentially migrate to Uniswap v3 in case it's released during the lockup.


Init: Initialize Staking

Once rewards have been stored, allows you to initalize the staking contract with:

_startTime: Epoch timestamp when staking starts. _closeTime: Epoch timestamp when entering staking ends. _releaseTime: Epoch timestamp when staking can be released with rewards. _percentageYield: Percentage yield on your intially staked token, calculated based on liquidity token reserves of that token the moment you stake your liquidity. _rewardsAmount: Total amount of rewards available and required to be stored before initalization. _liquidityToken: Address of the liquidity token. _token: Address of the reward token (needs to be the liquidity reserve token too).


If rewards haven't been stored upfront, staking will fail because every staking attempt would overflow rewardsAmount.

Stake: Stake liquidity tokens for token rewards

Requires you to have added liquidity to uniswap first:


Requires approval to deposit liquidity tokens within the staking contract:


Allows you to stake liquidity which assigns you rewards right away:


Does not allow you to stake if staking hasn't started yet:


Does not allow you to stake if staking has been closed already:


Does not allow you to stake if staking rewards would overflow/overallocate:


Withdraw: Roll-over unused reward tokens and accidently sent tokens

Allows to withdrawal unallocated reward tokens to roll them over to the next months staking contract:


Does not allow you to withdrawal allocated reward tokens:


Does not allow you to withdrawal any liquidity tokens as they always belong to the stakers:


Unstake: Unstake your liquidity and receive rewards


Does not allow you to unstake if staking is not releasable yet.


Enable Unstake Early: Initiate liquidity migration to Uniswap v3

Allows to enable unstaking early to migrate to uniswap v3:


Unstake Early: In order to migrate liquidity to Uniswap v3 together

Executing early unstake gives you back your liquidity token so that you can migrate it to v3 and stake it with us again:


Does not allow you to unstake early if not enabled (only if migrating to Uniswap v3):



  1. yarn flatten

  2. Deploy flatten contract via https://remix.ethereum.org/