
This Project is for Proof of concept that I am able to make 2D versions of characters and change graphical styles if needed

2D-Animation-and-2D/3D Cartoon-Character-proof-of-Concept

This Project is for Proof of concept that I am able to make 2D versions of characters and change graphical styles if needed the full explanation of the concept is on my website link below

Link: https://devaughnb2009.wixsite.com/devaughnbrown-battle/post/proof-of-concept-2d-art-2d-animations-and-different-art-styles

If you want the full demonstration files download the zip files listed above as they show 2 photos of my Arma 3 character converted to a completely different 2D graphical style and also show that my original characters graphical style being changed is a simple process

"Arma 3 Custom head and Hairstyle Cartoon Model.zip" This show I can do 2D animations and work with 2D characters with no issue I thow these images into Synfig I can now modify for additional animations

For cartoon version of a 3D character this also isn't a complex process the following zip file shows the result of this. "Original Character Cartoon model.zip"

With these photos I can complete my previous efforts with my Character Development Project to create a new 3D cartoon model