
This is a workout app for a school project

Primary LanguageKotlin

This is a project for school.

This app is available on the playstore:

Download it here



  • The use of at least 1 activity to build a complex layout
  • The use of threading to retrieve elements (images, music, video or other artifacts) from the Internet and/or the use of at least 1 service
  • Presence of action bar or navigation drawer for navigation
  • Support of devices with minimum API 21
  • Support of landscape/portrait mode (i.e. different layout files) for at least 1 activity
  • Correct application of navigation design patterns within Android
  • Use of JUnit framework for writing tests for your application (minimum 1)
  • Support for at least English and another language of your choice. Additional languages may be provided but do not count for extra points.
  • Persistence of data, using SQLite (Room) or an external ORM
  • Minimum support of hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi and xxxhdpi screens
  • At least 2 activities or fragments between which information is exchanged (by means of Intents, ViewModel, Navigation graph actions, ...)


  • Use of transitions
  • Dark mode
  • Published it on the google playstore


