
project-1---laravel-DeVogelRyan created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguagePHP

Web Integration Project

This is my web integration project.


My target of this project was to make a social network. So people can share posts and view each others timeline...




git clone https://github.com/DeVogelRyan/project-1---laravel-DeVogelRyan
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
php artisan serve

(Note make sure that all the services from the .env file are available)


  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Post creation/deletion/editing
  • Latest News creation/deletion/editing(only by admin)
  • User Profile Page
  • FAQ Page
  • Contact page(sends email with mailtrap)
  • User's timeline
  • Admin Dashboard
  • Admin can promote/demote users
  • If a guest is viewing the webpage his/her view will be limited
  • There are a few users added with seeders as well as Post and latest news, tickets, FAQ items
  • This website is also optimised for mobile view
  • Nice styling with tailwindcss
  • Unit testing on github
  • All the sources are linked in the about page


(These sources can also be found on the about page)